[centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/3QtoaPd.jpg?2[/img] [i][b]Yabisi, Diplomat at Glenmagar, and Cynghyrd of Foreign Affairs Vercin Gator Discuss Various Matters; Tymhoris 16, 1910 (Mon 17 Jan, 1910)[/b][/i][/centre] The formal, full name of the Rahuri Ambassador to Sidara was "Yabisi, Diplomat at Glenmagar." When in the presence of Vercin Gator, he dropped the formalities and opted to simply go by "Yabisi" or even "ya daft, seabrained cockel" when the situation called for it. Vercin was likewise simply "Vercin" or "skirt-scampering bone brain." Oftentimes work between the two was done at the Foreign Affairs office as much as it was done at Vercin's ranch when more sensitive discussions were being had. As was the case today. Highland cattle had an especially good taste at the dinner table, but as the dusk-skinned Rahuri human carefully stepped among the fields, he had to remind himself that raising such animals came with an unfortunate smell. And he'd only just bought these Kera-Bijan leather shoes. "Vercin," he said, trying to choose his words with about as much care as was normal for his interactions with the tough-skinned Sidaran, "this document I received last night, your Aeronauts want to request a loan from the Glass Bank when the entire continent is arming for war, calling up their reserves, and we haven't a clue when the first shots will be fired- all with the Cethosi poised to take advantage of the chaos to launch a war of conquest that will turn the seas to blood. And this loan will divert enough funds for a dozen dreadnoughts to build what amounts to flying boats? The Bank of Glass is a government institution. A loan of this size requires substantial oversight from the Caciques." Yabisi couldn't tell what stunk more- the bull shit or the bullshit of the proposal. He removed his cigarette case from a back pocket and struck a match, trying to mask the smell of what was likely be their dinners' final leavings on this mortal plane. "Have you gone completely mad?" Leaning on his shepherding stick, a pipe smoking gently in his mouth, the [i]Cynghyrd[/i] of Foreign Affairs gestured for his Faenarian counterpart to hand him the letter. In the distance a prancing border collie barked frantically as it now dashed to keep a flock of sheep together and now paused and sat down to watch their next move. Scanning the relatively short and nigh indecipherable letter, Vercin Gator frowned. ‘Well now ye brine-chewing rascal, how’d ye get yer hands on this eh? Those gold-sucking bankers passing everything onto you now are they?’ he paused for some moments, releasing a few puffs of smoke as his pale eyes read the letter more carefully. ‘And I can see why they would on this occasion - does seem to be a tad mistimed this venture of the Aeroflight Society’s. But look here now - this may be [i]Her Grace’s[/i] Aeroflight Society, but it has little to do with the government or with me. It’s a civilian organisation - sure it has some links with the Aerial Warfare Corps, but neither I nor anyone in government has much of a say in its activities. And to be completely honest, maybe this venture isn’t too bad - the Cethosi presence on the sea is a real thorn in Faenaria’s side, perhaps looking heavenward would rid us of that thorn once and for all. Imagine that - flying boats. The Cethosi naval presence would never trouble us again.’ Vercin passed the letter back to Yabisi and began to stroll towards the rather simple farmhouse and the waiting dinner table. Yabisi took a long draw on his cigarette, willing the tobacco to overcome the stink of the farmlands, following behind Vercin. The place had a rustic charm to it, as only a wealthy farmholder in this cold and rocky place would. For his part, Yabisi preferred the warmth of his own home in Loa Ghara, overlooking the sugar fields and ocean waves from the high hills. “You know how this game works, Vercin. Your people- government, clan company, or private club- send a letter to the Bank, the Bank sends it to the Autocrat for consideration, she sends it back to me and asks me if you’re out of your damned minds before she cuts a check. That’s her decision to make, not mine. But I’m very closely aligned with her on this. Flying ships. Ha!” Yabisi took a moment on the porch to draw on the cigarette again, measuring how to phrase his proposal with the literal builders of the modern Faenarian navy. In the end, as he flicked the spent cigarette onto the lawn, he opted for blunt honesty. “The proposal requires a vote from the Caciques, and I must inform you that our government has been put into a difficult position by the escalating tensions on the mainland. Even if things were all rainbows and griffons, the Caciques would make inquiries, the bureaucrats would demand a working prototype, and the whole thing would flounder for years. The likelihood that we can run this through the Caciques without endangering the stability of the Autocrat’s government is next to zero. “However, there may be a way around this.” Yabisi opened his own jacket, producing a folded note and offering it to Vercin. “Just came in from the embassy wire from Coral City. The real reason we can’t accept the proposal is we’ve just rammed a budget cut through with our party’s Caciques. Final vote was yesterday. 18 tribes for, 7 against. Spent a lot of political capital to get this vote as fast as we did, but we now have a nest egg for a war chest set aside. And as part of the use of that war chest, I’m to formally request an increase in our arms agreement by at least 40%. And let’s just say we do expect a markup in price for the last minute request. The Clan Companies may bid for the contract increases under the oversight of the [i]Bhaenrhig[/i] and the clans, but we’ll make special clause for this ‘Aeroflight Society’ to be contracted to move some of the product to the isles with a working prototype. If they can get us the guns in a timely manner ahead of shipping by boat, it would go a long way to approving full funding of the project and setting up the factories.” Vercin considered the note that had been handed to him as the two walked into the house and made themselves comfortable around the table. Laid before them was a homely meal of freshly baked bread, soup, cheese, and two pieces of Highland cattle steak. Vercin’s was well-done as meat was meant to be. Placing the note down Vercin looked away for a few moments, his eyes thoughtful. ‘What you propose involves a far more serious commitment from our government than the Aeroflight Society’s letter entails. The Society’s letter comes across as no more than a call for financial investment into research and development by a private group - there are certainly both professionals and amateurs involved in it, and it is no doubt connected to various clan-companies, but it is ultimately its own organisation. It is one thing for it to go about its theoretical research with investment from the Glass Bank, as the letter implies... but attempting to involve it in the active development and production of aircraft, in active and direct collaboration with clan-companies and investors, is something else entirely. I do not say that it cannot happen,’ Vercin tore some bread and dipped it into his bowl of soup before placing the moist morsel into his mouth, ‘I am just saying it will require a greater degree of attention, commitment, and support from the government, as well as the clan-companies involved. We are speaking of making all kinds of resources available to the Society so that it may not only develop theories and experiment on a small scale, but also actually produce functional prototypes which then may be used for transportation purposes and be produced on a massive scale - [i]if[/i], and ‘tis a big if, the Society succeeds. It is a great gamble for so untested an organisation as the Aeroflight Society.’ He paused as he cut into his steak, ‘but then again. no great thing ever happened without a great gamble. If you are still of the view that this can work, I will write to the Society on the matter, and I will make known to the clan-companies Faenaria’s desire for increased supply of arms. I am sure they will leap at the prospect.’ Yabisis spoke. “Still, if I handed them the keys to the vaults tomorrow, there is the question of ‘when’ they will have a prototype. Money makes things possible but not always inevitable.” Yabisi considered this over dinner, trying to come to a decision that could be reasonably promised. He saw the potential in what was being proposed. But the problem was that there would be other needs in the coming war. Bombs, bullets and bandages would take precedence over toys. But the shooting hadn’t started yet… “I have some friends in the Bank. Arms I can twist and levers I can pull without the Caciques getting involved. I can get them approval for a conditional loan. Roughly one-tenth the requested amount. Hear me out- low interest and paid in full upon receipt and approval of the application. The other nine-tenths can be pushed through with the Caciques once that prototype lands at Coral City and offloads cargo for all the gods and newspapers to see. They’ll owe a working prototype within 12 months, and the bank will implement a penny tax on cargo flights made between Sidara and Faenaria. If they fail, the bank will demand its money and all blueprints and theories produced by the Society for the project.” Yabisi drummed his fingers on the table, trying to come up with the best way to follow the proposal. “It’s a steep price to pay in the event of failure. It may shutter the society if they fail. And the deadline won’t be forgiving. But it’s what I can promise without muddying the process up with politicians.” Leaning back in his chair Vercin Gator rubbed his forehead gently, his eyebrows furrowed. Aeroflight in Sidara was considered a pleasurable pastime, nothing more. Aircraft could generally carry one or two people in his experience. Some clansfolk he was in constant contact with declared to him that there were planes now that could fly nonstop for over a thousand miles. If that was true - and he had no reason to doubt it - then that was in itself an encouraging milestone. But it remained the case that such planes were built for a driver and, at most, one passenger. They were not built to carry cargo. And yet the fact could not be ignored that long-distance flight was in every way possible. Surely increased capacity on such long-distance flights was a natural next step - surely even now some innovative Sidarid mind was contemplating it and charting the possibilities… he allowed his eyes to wander to the window and out to the rolling hills and fields which were bathed in the glow of a wintry sunset. Glenmagar was not so far off from here, yet the hills and fields ran uninterrupted for miles. No factories here, no smoke and darkness... And the Rahuri at his table. It was funny to think that one of the only foreigners permitted to set foot on the island proper was sat under his roof. All the ambassadors and diplomats and foreign dignitaries had to stay on Isle Taobh-Amuigh, except for Faenarians. It was an honour bestowed on that nation as a monument to the special relationship it shared with Sidara. That Yabisi was more of a friend to Vercin Gator than Sidarid diplomatic procedure strictly instructed was a testament to that also. It was only a shame that he did not share Vercin’s love for the earthy Sidarid ways; no matter how high in government or business they happened to be Sidarids were Sidarid still. Your cattle ‘n’ sheep, your family, your clan, and the big old rolling earth. ‘You strike a hard deal, but a fair one. I will have it conveyed to the Society at the soonest possible opportunity and relay their response to you.’ The [i]Cynghyrd[/i] said at last. ‘If something comes of this… well, think of the possibilities. We will be paving the path ahead in aeroflight technology, no doubt about it.’ And he called out for Maehra, whom he employed to care for the ranch during his long absences, and told her to bring them some dessert. One of her boys, barely four or five years old, ran in after her and she attempted to shoo him away. He dodged his mother and dashed for the door to the great outdoors, but Vercin only laughed and caught the boy before he could realise an escape. ‘Yaeh l’il wee rascal ye.’ He muttered as he rubbed the little one’s head and, kicking him lightly on the bottom, sent him back the way he came. Maehra went after him, scolding and berating, and was soon back with two small plates of Carrageen Moss Pudding. ‘Cheers lassie. Hae th' wee ones sloch some tae.’ Yabisi carefully stirred his pudding, toying with the dessert to pass the time while waiting for the children and Maehra to leave the dinner table. Even then, knowing that they were surrounded by friends, family, and common cattle, he shifted his chair closer to Vercin, leaned in close, and lowered his voice many octaves to a whisper. “There is one additional thing, Vercin. Something of a sensitive nature, but related to this proposal of your Society. The Kratorian Empyreum has long proposed the establishment of air bases within the isles to protect their shipping interests from piracy. The Caciques have resisted these proposals, fearing encroachment on our sovereignty. They’re not wrong. The Empire wanted a twenty-year lease on the land and we can’t just foreclose on a military base if the nation doesn’t want to leave. Recent events have forced a re-evaluation of this thinking. “We’ll be accepting the Empire’s proposal in the coming weeks. If my sources are correct, air bases are already being built in the Outer Isles. A destroyer flotilla is also steaming there to lend its support to the effort. The Society’s prototype will have a landing pad roughly two-thirds the way across the ocean. If it can get that far, they’ll be home free. “I know I don’t need to tell you this, but I must say it for my own peace of mind. This cannot be communicated to the Society before it becomes public knowledge. I don’t know if that’ll be in two days or ten months. But if the Cethosi find out before those bases are crewed, the ramifications will be upsetting to the balance of power on the seas. It may even be enough for them to start shooting.” Sighing, Vercin nodded in understanding and thanked the other man for his trust. ‘But remember this always: the Krators are an imperialistic folk. They do not see other nations as sovereign equals, only upstart states that - if they had the power they wielded of old - they would subjugate and rule once more. Let your people be wary that, in their fear of the Cethosi shark, they do not let into their home the Kratori basiliskos.’ Vercin paused and, reaching for his pipe, began to fill the bowl with a mixture of quality Faenarian tobacco and various herbs long used in Sidara for their medicinal and relaxing qualities. Bringing the bit to his mouth he took a few test draws. Satisfied that air was flowing smoothly, he struck a match and applied it to the chamber. The aroma immediately filled the space around the two of them as he sat back. Striking another match, he applied it to the chamber once more. ‘I have been discussing a certain matter with my colleagues in the [i]Priyetcyn[/i] for some time now, and it appears that it has begun to enjoy enough approval to warrant proposing it. This matter of the Cethosis targeting your shipping will not be offset - certainly not in the short-term at least - by aircraft. Their piracy against your ships has to be addressed. I have of late been in close communications with our Cethosi counterpart and it seems like some kind of reconciliation is on the table - but I cannot say when. Until then, however, it is our view that Faenarian trading vessels should be permitted to fly the Sidarid flag. Our clan-company ships making their way to and from Faenarian ports have never been targeted. And so we think this an intelligent way of counteracting this issue for the time being. What do you think?’ Yabisi was a bit taken aback by this offer, but it made a certain amount of sense. The modern Faenarian navy was built in the dockyards of the Sidarids, then armed and crewed by the Merfolk. At a distance it would be impossible to tell the difference between their two crews. It was an open secret that the Cethos was attempting to crack the relationship between Faenaria and the Sdarid Isles. He wouldn’t dare start sinking Sidarid ships though- especially if he couldn’t prove conclusively they were not Faenarians. “I think the Autarch is a fool to accept the proposal from Kratoria without so much as a counter-offer. I also think that if Cethos went to war with us tomorrow, they’d win the war and plunge the global economy into depression and ruin- they can shoot better than any of us, but they can’t figure out heads or tails of a copper, much less international monetary policy. But I don’t make the decisions- I advise and communicate on behalf of my people. Be that as it may, we can make your proposal work… though there may need to be some representation from the clans aboard the ships that fly the flag. A fig leaf to provide some cover for the papers. I’m sure the merchant compacts in the Coral Exchange would happily provide hazard pay to any clan-company workers that consent to travel on these ships.” Vercin nodded in agreement, his pale eyes betraying his excitement at the prospect that a strategy he had had thought up and now engineered would come to see fruition. Yabisi smiled and picked up his glass of uisge which had sat untouched for most of the dinner. “Vercin, I think we’re about to begin a wonderful new chapter in world history together.” The Sidarid grinned and reached for his own. ‘Ah kin aye 'n' dram tae that!’ The fire burned strong and bright in the hearth, and outside the sun disappeared beyond the hills and skies. [hider=Summary]Sidara and Faenaria strike a few deals - [indent]1. Faenaria desires a 40% increase in arms and ammunition, and the contract is offered to any of Sidara’s clan-companies willing to bid for it. Part of the money involved in this is to go towards Her Grace’s Aeroflight Society. 2. Her Grace’s Aeroflight Society is to be supplied with additional funds to research and develop a prototype plane that can travel from Sidara to Faenaria carrying some kind of light cargo. The deadline for the prototype is 12 months, after which greater funding will be made available. 3. It is revealed that Kratoria is building air bases in Faenaria, though this is top secret information. 4. Sidara strikes a deal with Faenaria, allowing Faenarian trading vessels to fly the Sidarid flag, along with that of the relevant clan-company. It is hoped this will counteract Cethosi predation on Faenarian vessels. Clan-company personnel would be present on these vessels to give even greater cover.[/indent][/hider]