[quote=@wolverbells] [@Sola] Its been a rough year. Lost people that I loved, so I became a recluse. I’m glad y’all are sticking together though ❤️ [/quote] My condolences, then. My grandmother was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, and she continues to refuse chemo despite my grandfather's wishes (who we also almost lost while he was in the hospital a few years ago). Plus, their two yorkies that I had grown up with had died (one to natural causes and the other was put down), so I can understand a little bit of the pain. [quote=@Inkarnate] real men post sheets [/quote] [img]https://www.bing.com/th?id=OIP.1VHVd7ZJyVJtAdIw_44UdAHaFi&pid=Api[/img]