Penelope leaned in to kiss Crow back as he took her hand. While she was glad to have taken control away from William, she still worried about what the older knight was capable of. Along with that, she was also concerned about what would happen if they were to get attacked now that one of them was unarmed. She supposed that she'd rather have a bit more risk if they got attacked rather than letting William continue to be a threat to Crow's safety. She let out a conflicted sigh as she took the cloak from Crow and slipped on over her body. Putting the hood over her head, she looked over at Crow and smiled a little at his words. "That's true." She mused before turning her head at the sound of William's voice. Penelope crossed her arms as she listened to him go on about how Crow would go back to prison. As Crow turned back to her, she faltered slightly at his words. It had been the plan for a long time to let Crow escape once they returned to Brerra but the thought of leaving with him then wasn't what the knight had planned. She was planning to make sure that the staff got all the way to the castle and she was hoping to say goodbye to her family before she left to be with him. Not wanting to discuss it with William around, she merely smiled a little at Crow and then turned to climb up onto their horse. She held out her hand to help him up after her and once he was on the horse as well, she began to follow William as the older knight lead the way as usual. She shifted the hood of her cloak so it covered her face a bit better as they began to ride towards the town. "So now that we're going to be leaving the forest, where do you think we should we stay for the night?" She asked Crow, glancing over her shoulder at him. "There probably won't be much cover to just camp like we have been after all.. But I suppose inns will be risky considering what the horse is carrying."