Penelope moved to place one hand over his arm as she felt him lean into her back. She was able to relax slightly with Crow so close, though she did try to remain alert now that they were traveling without the cover of the forest. The task of keeping an eye out was a bit difficult for the knight as she also tried to keep her head down so her face would remain hidden from any prying eyes. She gave a small nod to his words. "Alright.. I'll try to keep an eye out for any inns." She mumbled. She glanced at the sky as his voice got quieter. "Hopefully.. They don't seem to have many inns in these parts." She agreed quietly. Penelope focused her gaze back ahead as the three traveled onward. As it grew later, she grew more worried that they wouldn't be able to find a place to spend the night. However, she soon spotted ahead of them and looked a little relieved, feeling quite tired. "William, come on. There's an inn off to the right. Let's go there." She told the older knight. He glanced over his shoulder at her before looking ahead to locate the inn. Silently, he changed directions and rode his mare over to the building. Penelope followed him over and commanded their horse to a stop as they reached the building. She carefully dismounted the stallion, being rather cautious when it came to the hood of her cloak. "So what's the bright idea to hide the staff this time?" William asked bitterly as he climbed off his horse and turned to the two with narrowed eyes. "We're going to go get the room," Penelope grumbled gesturing to herself and William. "Crow will handle hiding the bow and staff." William grunted, not looking pleased at having to go along with the idea. He crossed his arms and turned to head towards the front door. "Let's get this over with then." He muttered. Penelope rolled her eyes and looked back over at Crow. "I'll wait for you inside once you're done." She told him before turning to follow William into the inn.