[hider=Kevadeis] [center][img]https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-L10VCln0grc/WoWO0sdm27I/AAAAAAAAQ5w/Vd6w9mwsn0orkPWfN6TCkhPsfj4YrwWOwCLcBGAs/s640/Sean%2Bas%2BSharpe.jpg[/img] [color=OrangeRed][b]Name: [/b][/color] Kevadeis [color=OrangeRed][b]Called: [/b][/color] "Slave", "Oi, You!" [color=OrangeRed][b]Title/Occupation: [/b][/color] Galley Slave [color=OrangeRed][b]Nationality: [/b][/color] Unknown [color=OrangeRed][b]Race: [/b][/color] Looks Human [color=OrangeRed][b]Age: [/b][/color] Looks 30 [color=OrangeRed][b]Gender: [/b][/color] Male [color=Orangered][b]Appearance: [/b][/color] There is little to be remarked upon when meeting Kevadeis, he is just one of a hundred other galley slaves suffering beneath the lash of the Prince of Merchants, a man who makes his way selling whatever to whoever. Kevadeis is noticeably handsome and his captors would have to be fools not notice that he appears to be immortal for he has not aged a day since being sold into their crew forty years before. He has shown an unusual ability to heal quickly from any wounds they inflict and, despite his long life, has kept mostly to himself among the galley slaves. [color=Orangered][b]Interests: [/b][/color] Kevadeis spends much of his time staring out of the galley oar bank at the world as it goes by. It appears as though he is always looking for someone, or something, but grows increasingly bitter and more angry as it seems to slip away. He partakes in gambling when ashore in the slave compound and is known to take the odd slave girl to his bed. [color=Orangered][b]Personality: [/b][/color] He keeps largely to himself when ashore and speaks even less when at sea. He is known for his stoic demeanor, dry wit, and sarcasm that bleeds through in the place of humour at times. He rows hard, rarely seeming to tire, and is always watching. [color=Orangered][b]Magics: [/b][/color] Immortal [/center] [/hider]