[color=f7941d]Standing in front of the simulated city U.A entrance exams gate, Juka gasps and indulges in deep thought as the announcers explain all the rules and regulations about the exam.[/color] [color=0072bc]FLASHBACK: Aunt Jen: Your parents would be proud of you.(Sulking with light smile but worried look) Juka: Eh, I suppose. Are you sulking again Aunt Jen? I told you already that I'm gonna be fine (Juka smiles brightly) Aunt Jen: Oh, I know. I just worry about how over zealous you can be from time to time. Make sure you text and call me every 1st and 15th of the month! Juka: Sure thing! Aunt Jen: Did you pack enough undies? Are they clean? Juka: YES!! AND Why, of course they are dammit! Aunt Jen:(Aunt Jen bursts into a cheerful soft notion of tears.) I'm gonna miss you! Juka: *Sigh* Aunt Jen, it's not like you're never gonna see me again I'll be back during spring break, Christmas and maybe for the summer. Aunt Jen: You'd better be and always remember your declaration to your self! Juka: I know I know, with great power,comes great responsibility. Aunt Jen: Good boy, and dont go useing your Quirk when ever you feel. EMERGENCIES, SCHOOL AND TRAINING ONLY! Juka: Got it got it, can I go now? Aunt Jen:(She embraces Juka with a strong hug filled with blissfullness an starts bursting out crying in tears) You remind me so much of your pops! Juka: I promise I wont let you down. None of you! I'll be a Hero. (Juka turns around an walks out the door, and the scene shifts.[/color] [color=39b54a]Scene Shifts back into the U.A Entrance Exams[/color] Juka: Unfortunately I cant overuse my quirk for just this exam. So 50 points for the ninja-based ones. An only 10 points for the small fry. And 100 for the cillian tier. If I use all my strength on the villain tier I'll be damn near outta commotion. Gotta make smarts moves that minimize my risks while maximizing my options. So therefore I can use my signature ability to rack up at least 10 of the small frys. If I'm lucky I may encounter a Ninja-Based. Welp!. Let's hope for the best! [color=ec008c]As soon as the announcer gave the say so. All the U.A examinees dashed in the simulated city. Meanwhile Juka stayed put then used his quirk to levitate into the air above all the other examinees into a empty unsecured spot of the city. 10 pointers started scurrying out towards him. [/color] Juka: Woah woah now. Isn't this a bit intense for a Entry exam?! Something doesn't feel right.. [color=9e0b0f]TO BE CONTINUED![/color][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/bokunoheroacademia/images/3/32/Villain_Bot.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20170702235130[/img]