[center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/e76e/f/2018/260/b/c/dbgd4sff4x4m_fullhh_by_saltyalien-dcn2y73.jpg[/img] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/2387/f/2018/261/2/5/coollogo_com_19239534_by_saltyalien-dcn5ah5.png[/img] [i]"And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love Grey clouds roll over the hills Bringing darkness from above"[/i] [color=lightblue]Interacting with: Natalia[/color] [@Aamaya], open for interactions[/center] [hr][hr] Something was terribly off. Sonya's half-assed smile turned into a frown as soon as she saw Natalia motion at her in a stiff way. What was going on? There was... there was no one here, was there? The scene unfolded in a horrifying manner before Sonya's eyes. The gurgling sound of the infected multiplied, and it soon dawned on her that Natalia was in grave danger. [i]Shit.[/i] Unable to do anything but watch - bombs could hurt her friend so they were useless - Sonya stood frozen, looking as Natalie tried to come up with a solution. She was clearly feeling panicked, and Sonya didn't blame her one bit. How hadn't Sonya seen this coming? She was a moron. Fucking idiot, she was. Like a chain reaction, Natalia threw a rock, attracting the zombies' attention, while simultaniously darting towards Sonya's location. Careful not to make a sound, Sonya scooted closer to the edge of the shed, trying to figure out a way to help Natalia. She couldn't let her get hurt. She [i]couldn't[/i]. When a trail of zombies closed the path to the shed from Natalia, the brunetter ran out of the line of Sonya's sight. Sonya panicked herself, not that she would admit it to herself, making herself act without thinking. In cold blood she jumped down from the shed, bombs in hand. She was going to fucking end these bastards. If they would do so much as to lay hand on Nat, she would blame herself. [i]Boom.[/i] Flames were hot near Sonya's face as she ran, following the trail of infected running ahead of her. Sonya's hand trembled in anticipation as adrenaline flowed through her veins, heightening every one of her senses. Now the zombies had spotted her too, and tried to get a hold of her. She evaded, skirting through a window of a shack of a house. Something sharp sank into Sonya's bicep, making her growl in pain. Looking back, she saw the sharp shards of glass sticking out from the frames of the broken window, making it pretty apparent what the source of her injury had been. It didn't matter right now. She couldn't stop running, trying to track Natalia. Where the fuck had she gone? Explosions went off left and right as fast as Sonya could light her bombs. She was running out soon, she knew it, but it didn't matter. Something had to be done. Reaching the end of the suburbs, slightly out of breath, Sonya's eyes darted around frantically, finally landing on Natalia. She had seemingly escaped the infected, but Sonya wasn't sure if the woman had hurt herself while running. Raising her non-injured hand in a salute, Sonya waited if the woman would notice her. This was the absolute worst place to be right now, no place to hide and zombies all around them, waiting for a free meal like them. Sonya jogged closer to Natalia, wiping the ashes from the flames on her sleeve, only smudging the thing on her cheek more. [color=lightblue]"Hey,"[/color] Sonya said in a rough voice. She didn't have it in her to throw a half assed insult at Natalia for not being more careful. This had been mostly Sonya's fault for not being more aware of the situation, after all. [color=lightblue]"We should get going before they spot us,"[/color] Sonya continued, taking Natalia's hand in a grip and pulling her forward. What a lovely meet-up after a week of not seeing each other, Sonya thought grimly. It wasn't like she thought Natalia couldn't take care of herself, quite the opposite actually, but Sonya would have lied if she had said that she didn't feel protective over the brunette. The woman seemed quite visibly shaken, too. Sonya was too, but she was the kind not to show it. It was easier to lock things up inside.