[center][color=D5FF00][i][h1]Mali Anson[/h1][/i][/color][hr][b]Location:[/b] Zoie's Farm [b]Skills:[/b] Perception [hr][hr][/center] [color=D5FF00]"Alright, I'll probably still be here when you get back."[/color] Mali was now expecting it, so she managed to avoid flinching when the next crash came from upstairs, although it still made her rather uncomfortable inside. But although it would probably be for the best to go and get changed, she decided that she'd rather wait until things had settled a bit before doing so. She wasn't concerned that something would go wrong per se, but it just didn't feel right. But she was now left alone with her thoughts and the sounds of the house, the animals outside and the racket that the siblings were making. She wasn't entirely sure how to keep herself occupied. She didn't really feel like keeping herself occupied. The entire house felt like it was sinking into a tar pit in the aftermath of the fire. And she still didn't know what to do about anything now that she thought about it. Going with Relic and Zoie would either being extremely dull or ludicrously dangerous, but it would be just as dangerous to stay in Justice, even if she were only in the surrounding area. And what would she do if she stayed? And what should she do about Zoie? And all that didn't even get into the question of how to deal with Juno or Hera. Eventually Mali directed her gaze at the ceiling to get her head away from the depths of her own helplessness. When her head cleared, she returned her direction to the room she was in right now. Every other time she'd been in there, she'd been distracted by some conversation or happening going on. But maybe there was something important in this room that she'd never caught onto before. Not necessarily something hidden from her intentionally or otherwise, but some item of interest that could teach her some factoid about Relic and his family. Or perhaps give her a bit of information on Juno that the others took for granted but she'd never been made aware of. Or something.