[centre][hider=Luca Isina][hr] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/678d/th/pre/i/2017/346/6/6/aot_snk_oc___fanart______noire__by_youroreostruly-dbwhtpt.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180920/9934bbc526d8507cfa72c6f451568f37.png[/img] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dee3RSgUWiM][i]"I was carefree, you know? Back then things were simpler."[/i][/url][/sub] [hr] [color=00AB29][b]Name[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Luca Isina[/i][/color] [color=00AB29][b]Nickname[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]'Lucky Luke' - As designated by Grant[/i][/color] [color=00AB29][b]Age[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]16 - Post-breach Age[/i][/color] [color=00AB29][b]Gender[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Male[/i][/color] [hr] [color=00AB29][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Many ways in which identifying Luca's appearance comes from his somewhat disconnecting opposites to his friend Grant. Luca is far smaller in terms of height and brawn, standing only at a rugged 5'8", which used to be a point of joking and teasing between the two travelling boys. Also in contrast to Grant, Luca's hair is a deep, dark jet-black, which some saw as quite dull for such a lively person. Beneath that, his irises glowed in a reddish-brown tone. With quite a small and smooth face, he definitely has been noted as being one of the lesser-threatening looking individuals. The physique has carried onto many expectations for him to be low and quite imbalanced. Many who support him even sometimes doubt that such a boy has the ability, dexterity and commitment to become a soldier. The skinny frame he holds has always proven to be a back-foot for his progress, one that he tries not to let get the best of him.[/i][/color] [color=00AB29][b]Personality[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Since Shiganshina, two sides of Luca have struggled for power over one another. Luca's true emotions and that of his facade have been at odds for quite some time, digging into his habit of a stable mental-mindset. Firstly stood the original Luca, as Grant would sometimes refer to it as. Before Shiganshina's disaster, he was a bubbly boy with a great heart. His head was always not set on the right path and all of his intentions revolved around whether or not it was fun. It came as part of his charm, making up for the sometimes underwhelming appearance he had. It clashed well with Grant; both advocates of humour and excitement were almost bound to complete one another. Even if he and Grant were extremely similar in their personas, Mateo still, even to the present, doubts whether or not he would be a good influence on his nephew. Alongside the bubbly nature was his lust for adventure, driving him to ride horses with Grant on open plains, sometimes annoying the Garrison soldiers or Military Police whenever he could. He'd lived a life of carefree intention without too much consequence, and in itself it led to his second side. Luca, especially now, comes across as empty. Grant noticed it too after Shiganshina. Everything about him had been wiped, almost like a slate or tablature, clean from its past endeavours. He was like an empty shell of the hermit he once was. The horrors of the starving, the eating, the killing and the suffering started to get to him. Grant was united with a new friend, one that Luca saw as a threat to his own connection. It would be unfair to say that he became unstable, but jealousy and hidden anxiety definitely had overcome the poor boy. Because of this, he sometimes appears as a sharp, focused and downright insulting person, prepared to put his own beliefs before others. The selfishness now goes against Grant's personal morality but he supports him nonetheless. However, the anxiety he is plagued with comes from many doubts about him as a soldier. He followed Grant, like sheep to a shepherd, into the Training Corps to ensure he wasn't abandoned and alone anymore. It was a miracle that he made it as far as he did, especially with cadets alongside instructors doubting his very existence. To Luca, the once amazing life he lived was now but a shadow of its former self.[/i][/color] [hr] [color=00AB29][b]Biogprahy[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Luca never really spoke to Grant much about his past, except the few hints about how he was accustomed to the art of trade, travelling and bartering. In truth, he'd been born to a family of large impoverishment, constantly having to move to avoid taxings, debts and other evictions. From district to district, house to house and field to field, they were almost always on the move. Whilst their situation was dire, Luca did find happiness in seeing the world, or at least what little left of it there was, but became exceptionally lonely due to never being able to connect. He had no brothers, nor any sisters, near to his age: the only sibling he held was his infant sister, Gabriela, who seemingly stole a lot of the attention of his family from him. At first, the chaotic nature of travelling was only restricted to the basis of movement and asylum-seeking, but eventually the lawful and criminal entities of humanity started to catch up to them. It was when they were young, but the father of Luca was taken by an organisation, never to be seen again. It was only until he was older when he'd find out why such a normal looking man was to be executed by the vigilantes of Wall Maria. From there, it was a baby, a mother and Luca all on the run together. Moving from house to house, eviction after eviction, until their exploits could no longer be taken. The years had passed and Luca was tired of being considered a criminal based on the choices of his parents. With a neglectful mum, focused sourly on herself and Gabriela, Luca grew tired, argued with his remaining members of the fallen family and left in a hurry, never to be seen again by them. It was a hard, yet relieving, decision. He felt enlightened knowing that the world was his oyster. All temptations of life were in the palms of his hand and with the trickery he'd unwillingly picked up from his parents' scandals he was able to bypass the law and start a fresh life of movement. Within four years he'd found himself as a drifter, going from job to job to make minimal wages in order to fund his sleeping and eating habits. Eventually, he crossed paths with Grant, one fateful encounter that would forever change him. The two hit it off instantly and became closer than any friends they'd never had before. It was a beautiful friendship to indulge, and until Shiganshina seemed to break the two apart, life seemed to be more than just a carefree dream.[/i][/color] [hr] [color=00AB29][b]Statistics[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i][b]Physical Strength[/b] - 6 [b]Agility[/b] - 19 [b]Teamwork[/b] - 4 [b]Leadership[/b] - 4 [b]Skill[/b] - 16[/i][/color] [/hider] [/centre]