(first post continued) “Dude! I can’t believe you’re here! I thought I was the only one who got into the exam.” Alexa said excitedly as she started to look around for anyone else they went to school with. “Have you seen anyone else from school?” Alexa took a moment to smile and feel relieved as she looked up at Gale. He seemed bigger for some reason. She couldn’t put her finger on it. Maybe just the fact he wanted to be a hero made him seem taller or something. Either way. it really calmed her down knowing that she had seen an old friend around. The thought about her suit finally struck her and she became nervous again. The look of it was shabby compared to some people’s tracksuits or hoodies and shorts. She looked like she was working for a TV company or was going to install phone lines. ‘Dad why did you have to go overboard with the suit’ “You never know what might be thrown at you during the test. Got to be prepared!” She can hear his voice in the back of her mind. ‘Please don’t notice how bad this suit looks.’ Alexa totally forgot that her parent’s sewn a patch on her left shoulder blade. It read “Grab this!” and pointed to the safety harness. It was for people to not slip inside the barrier. Alexa fought to cover her suit with her hands. (will continue further)