[hider=Highvale Elves][center][img]https://d1u5p3l4wpay3k.cloudfront.net/wowpedia/e/e0/Void_Elf_Crest.png[/img][/center] [color=2e3192]Racial Leader[/color] [hider=X'anna] [center][img]https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/5d78f9be8c29fa6041b60eb17b9dce35/5C120A69/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p750x750/38220191_1196807130461059_6131155906274000896_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTg0MTIyOTc1MDc4Njc0NTE4OQ%3D%3D.2%22%20%20alt=[/img][/center] [color=2e3192]Character Class[/color] [sup]Shadowweaver - Powerful arcanists who’ve substituted void energies in place of arcane. [/sup] [color=2e3192]History[/color] With no source of arcane energy, X’anna proposed feasting on Void energies to her colleagues. With time, the Highvale elves followed her footsteps, but many were quickly overwhelmed by the maddening power. Removing all safety nets, X’anna submerged herself in the darkness and was rewarded. Wielding unknown powers, the Void Elf used mental domination to secure the leadership of the lodge. [/hider] [color=2e3192]Government Type[/color] [sup]Totalitarian[/sup] [color=2e3192]Capital City[/color] [sup]Quel'Danil Lodge, Hinterlands[/sup] [color=2e3192]Primary Race[/color] [sup]Void Elves (Ren'dorei)[/sup] [color=2e3192]Recent History[/color] [sup]After the destruction of the Sunwell, the elves of the High Vale briefly ended their practice of magic. As the elves begrudgingly coped with their new life style an Arcanist proposed a solution to their arcane addiction: Void energies. Most of the rangers were alphaled by X’anna suggestion, but as the elves thirst continued many began to speak with the Arcanist in secret. It was not long before the majority of the lodge was weaning their thirst on Void energies. Terrified by the maddening whispers of the void, many of the freshly christened Ren’dorei fell victim to X’anna’s mental domination. [/sup] [color=2e3192]Controlled Territory[/color] [sup]None[/sup] [color=2e3192]Allies[/color] [sup]None[/sup] [right][sup][color=2e3192]2e3192[/color][/sup][/right][/hider]