[Hider=Sally][img]https://hochyvseznat.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/883a74d48bd236138bf56b4cbc57e695.jpg[/img][/hider] ☆ [B]Name[/b] : Sally Hendricks ☆ [B]Nicknames/Aliases[/b] : Sal, Ally ☆ [B]X-Men Code Name[/b] : Flux ☆ [B]Gender[/b] : Female ☆ [B]Age[/b]: 18 ☆ [B]Physical Description[/b]: *Height: 5'2" *Weight: 120 lbs. *Hair color: Natural Red *Eye color: Sapphire Blue *Complexion: Ivory *Body type: Slim; Athletic *Body shape: Hourglass *Current Clothing: A pair of cut off denim shorts. Black and red plaid, button shirt with the sleeves rolled up. A pair of knee high, square toe cowgirl boots. Heart shaped sunglasses. ☆ [B]Mutations[/b]: Telekinesis; ability to move objects and people with her mind. Though as of now, she can move things smaller than a chair. Anything larger, it gives her a headache and nose bleed. ☆ [B]Personality[/b]: One who loves to laugh and have fun, Sally will always be the one to laugh at the cheesey jokes. She is always high spirited, hates negativity, spunky, and sometimes flirty. Sally loves to let loose and dance and sing (though she's horrible at it). Also, the type of person that can eat like an elephant, and never gain weight. Despite those, she hates confrontation and bullies. When she sets her mind to something, you can be damn sure that whatever it is, will get done, one way or another. If someone comes at her the wrong way, she'll no doubt let you know that it's time to back off. ☆ [B]Background[/b]: Sally was born into a middle class family with a loving mother and father. She grew up happy and with lots of friends, always outside running amok with them. Her older brother however, used to pick on her all the time. Of course, that's what older brothers do. It was all out of love. Her mother was a seamstress, who worked in a shop in town,and her father worked with horses; training them. Her ordinary life was turned upside down when she discovered she wasn't quite as normal as she had assumed. She was in her freshman year of high school, and it was hard as hell to keep hidden. Even harder not to tell anyone. Something like that just begs to b known. Her senior year, her parents sent her to Ashton's. Whether it was to help her, or to get rid of her, she wasn't quite sure. Either way, she went and only hoped that it was the real deal, and that they could help her ☆ [B]Recap of your mutations awakening[/b]: Her mother and father both know about it, as well as her brother. They had all been at a grocery store, loading their groceries into the trunk of the car. Out of nowhere, a truck came barreling towards them. It looked like the person driving had lost control. He was honking his horn and waving his arm, telling them to move out of the way. It had happened so fast at such a close proximity, that no one really had time to react. Sally instinctively put her hands out in front of her as if it would stop the truck from killing them. Well, it had. The truck stopped several feet from the family, stunning them all. She suffered a headache for several days afterwards, and a bloody nose.