The discord trick is something I've used to real positive effect in some other rp's I've run, but if the general consensus is a no I won't force people to, the purpose of running things by people. [quote=@Ozerath] I think I might just the keep the bio too long and write a TL;DR at the top. Should I mention cybernetics in appearance or in a different section? Also, it occurs to me kinda late, but is it alright to have my guy be almost entirely cybernetic? Like, basically a brain and a spinal column in a cyborg body?[@Ezekiel] [/quote] I'd certainly say it is possible within the limits of the setting, however the concept has a rather high margin for abuse/powergaming/not sticking on theme so I'm happy for you to write a sheet with a character like that but I may be stricter in terms of quality before I can approve such a character. I hope that sounds fair.