[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/4yC9Gm0c/giphy.gif[/img][/center] Okay, got to gush in here about one person in particular...The incredibly dedicated, hardworking, intelligent, funny, compassionate, diligent, kind, and creative [@Lady Amalthea]. If you haven't met Lady A, then you are seriously missing out. She runs the best damn RPs on this forum, with *multiple* RPs over the [b]2 year mark[/b] and several that reached the conclusion of the storyline. Her plots are well thought out and never obvious - and they just have [i]everything.[/i] I myself have never really gotten into the Walking Dead as a TV show or comic book line - but hell, her Walking Dead RP is one of the most enjoyable RPs I have ever been in and allows an intense examination of human nature...alongside drugged up unicorns and SpaghettiO's wars. Each RP is better than the one before it but not only are they a hell of a lot of fun, she teaches you to be a better writer and RPer. She puts in time and energy where she doesn't have to, just to see her RPers leave her RPs better equipped to handle the next one. Not a lot of GM's on the site take time to do that - in fact, I haven't seen anyone else who does. And when the forum started crashing constantly, threatening the loss of IC posts and CS's? She made a damn [i]back up forum.[/i] Now, I'm sure you're thinking ~well I can make one in two seconds, bare minimum, and we can host special things there.~ No. Lady A doesn't roll like that. Not only do we have hundreds of IC posts saved there, she designed a custom award system with the CUTEST graphics (like seriously, they are adorable!!!) and got the board a custom skin, as well as base avatars that match the board's theme. Her dedication knows no limits and if this hasn't convinced you of just what an amazing person she is, just take a look at the numerous resources she's made for RPG - including guides on how to start RPing and how to develop your own RP! But wait, she also will be there for your, listening to your problems in real life and supporting you. She goes above and beyond the job of a GM and deserves more thanks than we could possibly give her. SO THANK YOU LADY A!!!! <3