[@Hokum] [b]"If yah know about meh principles and want thah job done your way, then yah know that Ah take partial payment up front, and Ah'll work for anyone willin' and able tah pay. Give meh Pycin now, and Ah'll finish the work on Dino properly and come back fah more. Othahwise, I'll go ahead an' count mahself as fahsaken, and we'll see if Ah can't speed up the death of this heeyuh universe a lil' bit. Pycin up front and all readah to die, and Ah'll kill Dino with no collaterals. If yaw're reallah Gawd, then you'll know when Ah ain't lyin', ayuh?"[/b] [i]-Donny wasn't lying. Orders or no orders, he'd already decided that those two were dead. He took business merrily on most occasions, but the mistakes folks like these made? They tried blackmail instead of just paying him half up front with honest instructions. When proper business couldn't be conducted, war took its place. Donny suffered no threats to live. This was why the Mafia feared and respected him. Any employer who tried to extort Donny's services was his enemy.-[/i]