[@Krayzikk][@Plank Sinatra] [b]KANACON[/b] [i]Oh no not ag-[/i] [right][i][h3]Oh hello again![/h3][/i][/right] "I'm the Super Mobile Girl of Love and Justice, Magical Powered Kanamin! In the name of the Consolamentum, I will give you a brain-freeze!" Despite his costume hailing from the super-deformed line of Kanamin paraphernalia, the Cathar-cosplaying comrade delivered the order in the same motion that the franchise's protagonist used when declaring her intent to combat her foes, and both the voice and intonations were almost perfect replications of Iguchi's acting. There was nothing in his distorted voice that revealed his recognition of his two customers, though one could take his choice of opening catchphrase as one. Because when 'life gave you lemons', he was supposed to 'make lemonade', yes? Finding a good way to 'wing it' was exactly what the Americans meant, right? With stubby costumed hands, he handed over a box to Gandharva to diligently and elegantly (for any outburst from him would only expose himself to the Euroweeb) fill with the takeaway pint.