[b][h1][center]Plot Point[/center][/h1][/b] Interactions with [@eclecticwitch], [@Fetzen], [@13Org], [@HokumPocus], [@elevation], [@SonofJet] [hr] Blades of ice condensed around the light skinned woman. What kind of magic was that? Probably not taste or hearing. Sight, smell or touch? Maybe... Sightless Syella frowned as she quickly reassessed the Pact Makers before her. It was probably safe to assume that all of them where magic users of some sort and at least two of them could attack from a range as well. On top of that, one of them had the ability to create illusions. Despite how troublesome an opponent healer could be in a fight, Syella was facing at least two people who could attack from a range. At least that narrowed down who the healer was. There were only two other woman in the group. The dark skinned one and the woman huddling near the chubby man and scared child. "If I tell you who the healer is, will you let my family and me go?" It was the woman huddling near the chubby man speaking. "What are you doing?!" The chubby man asked exasperatedly. "Trying to save our family!" The woman replied. Syella turned her sightless gaze towards the woman's direction. "But-" The chubby man began before getting cut off. "We have nothing to do with these people!" Syella's frown deepened. This woman claimed she had nothing to do with the others, and yet she had somehow escaped the Insight's touch during the previous night. "Because of them, our business and home was burnt to the ground!" Syella concentrated on the Insight, diving deep into the woman's soul. "If they had just co-operated with the Cult, then perhaps none of that would have happened." "You don't know that." Said the chubby man. "What I know is we are on the losing side!" Syella pulled away from the woman's soul. This woman held no trace of The Being of Many Names's touch. Syella tsked audibly. [color=a187be]"You fool woman..."[/color] She said with the shake of her head. [color=a187be]"Because of your stupidity, I now know who the healer is. I also now know that your life is not necessary for our cause."[/color] Syella's sharpened finger shot out towards the fool woman, directed straight for the woman's heart.