[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180921/c9b5285737334b98079331c98b68c250.png[/img] [img]https://assets-auto.rbl.ms/8e104f4cc2d4d29d6f1b15f353363313eaf632fac52997e5e44e06323e628b03[/img] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/37b1f70427a13ddcb9c779e128cd308d/tenor.gif[/img] [color=brown][i]I gotta stay high all the time To keep you off my mind High all the time To keep you off my mind Spend my days locked in a haze Trying to forget you, babe.[/i][/color] [img]https://openclipart.org/image/2400px/svg_to_png/226298/up-divider.png[/img][/center] [indent]The events of the stupid party at Diablo’s house continued to haunt Marisol for the rest of the weekend. She’d thought that after the cool few minutes that she’d spent with Jun and a quick smoke session before bed things would be as if nothing ever happened. But on Saturday, she hadn’t even finished her breakfast when Archer rushed into her home, stating that he had something urgent to tell her. At first, she thought he was joking, because there was absolutely no way in hell that what Archie was saying was true. They were sworn mortal enemies, after all! But after doing some digging around the snapchats of those attending Diablo’s party, she was able to find concrete evidence that, indeed, Victoire Bailey had planted a big one on Sonny Drake. And that wasn’t the end of it. This bitch actually had the [i]audacity[/i] to name-drop her after the kiss! The noise in the snapchat was much too loud for her to hear, but reading lips wasn’t exactly a hard thing to do. Once she was certain of what she saw, Marisol and Archer spent the day at the beach, where the young woman managed to ignore the storm of emotions brewing up inside her body for a few hours. But no matter how much weed she’d smoked when she arrived at her house that night, she couldn’t forget the sight of Victoire’s lips on Sonny’s, or how the young man held her back after she’d turned to walk away with a look in his eyes that Mari recognized from a mile away. The scene played over and over in her head every time she closed her eyes, incessantly plaguing her even when she lied down on Archer’s lap and cried like a child. At the news, Marisol had gone through the majority of the stages of grief. First was denial, the stage in which she spent the first hour after the news looking around whatever video footage of the party she could find that would prove Archer wrong, but found evidence to back up his claims instead. Next up was anger: at Sonny for being stupid enough to let himself be roped up into it, at Vic for being the instigator and name-dropping her, at Archer for not telling him sooner, at Diablo for throwing the stupid party in the first place, at herself for not ‘manning’ the hell up and confessing… It was quite the sight to see such a small person have that much anger. Then there was bargaining: the stage in which she thought of all the possible reasons as to why this tragedy had happened. Archer was quick to shoot down every single one of them, so they didn't spend much time in this one. And, finally, the stage in which she was right now: depression. It was the Monday after Diablo’s party, and the first time she would be facing both Vic and Sonny after what she knew. Although Son had tried to meet up and contact her during the weekend, she’d ignored every single one of his calls and texts. But Mari guessed it wasn’t anything of importance, because he hadn’t bothered to drop by her house even when they were less than 5 minutes away on foot. Who knows? Maybe he’d been too busy with [i]Bitchtoire[/i] to notice or even give a fuck. [color=brown]“Can’t I just skip today? I’ve already skipped half a day! I’d be doing everyone a favor if I don’t show up!”[/color] Marisol whined from her spot in the middle of the bed. Although the time for her to get ready for school was long past due and it was already lunchtime, Archer had arrived at her house to try and convince her to attend at least what was left of the day. But with Mari being Mari, this was proving to be a challenging task. The young woman was still wrapped up in the comforter like a human burrito with only her face peeking out of the blankets, making no motion of even efforts to get out of bed.[/indent]