[center]This is a sci fi RP set in an unknown world. The three characters suffer from complete amnesia, to the point they have no idea where they are, who they are, what they are in this place for, who each other are, anything. All they can go by is their gut feelings on what to do, and who to trust. They feel they can trust each other, they feel safe when they look at one another. They feel less alone. But the city seems abandoned, but that will soon prove to be untrue as the three face their foes together, and must fight on to discover the secrets this world holds, its history, why the city is covered in a giant glass dome, and why people are so afraid of them. Why do they feel such hatred when they look at their enemies? This is a 4 person RP where we have 3 players, and I as GM take on the role as story teller. Your characters will have freedom to go where they wish, but should also be given clear and consistent direction to drive the story forward. We don't want them wandering aimlessly without answers for months on end after all. Characters should be sci fi in appearance, and I'll give an example profile of that below and explain as I go. [hider=Example Profile] [b]Title: 00[/b] (This means, whether they are 01, 02, or 03. I'll tell you which number your character is in the RP so this will come after your profile is made. This will be their 'name' until a point in the RP is reached where they remember their real names.) [b]Class: Blader[/b] (You can come up with your own class. But it should describe their combat style in just one or two words. Blader for example very clearly implies they use a sword of some sort.) [b]Abilities: Maria wields a one handed blade that can be used with two hands for greater power. She is very quick, capable of running on walls and deflecting enemy attacks with ease. Even projectile weapons can be deflected when she goes into 'overdrive', which is a state where she lets loose and essentially powers up.[/b] (I'll explain power levels and technology after the profile.) Image: [img]http://www.wallpapermaiden.com/wallpaper/15575/download/1440x900/anime-girl-bodysuit-sci-fi-katana-long-hair-rabbit-cityscape.jpg[/img] [/hider] Yes, profiles are very simple. You should expect such when they can't remember who they are and all that. The profiles will be filled out more and more as the RP goes on. For example, a section for their name will be added. Now as far as abilities go, your characters are very strong. IF you want to play a character who uses a large two handed sword, and can leap great distances to crash down and create a large shockwave, that is about the 'average' power one can expect. Another example, is your character may have boots that allow them to sort of hove just above the ground, so that (Like Lucio in Overwatch) they skate around the battlefield, and even along the walls of buildings, while using duel guns that allow them to dance around their enemies quickly. However, for the start keep their power level somewhat low. They won't be in too much danger, but they also can't go busting down buildings. As far as technology goes, your characters find themselves in full armor that seems to empower them. It gives them that incredible strength, the ability to lift those giant weapons, and it's all sleek in design. Very clean, such as pure white from head to toe, no scratches, no 'scuffed paint', no faded colors. (Think Kamino from Star Wars) Weapons glow, and all that. However from the start, many 'systems' of your character's gear will be damaged, and they will need to find ways to repair them as they go along, which will 'unlock' power along the way, and allow them to take on greater threats. Anywho, the RP is first come first serve to people who can post frequently. I don't want the RP to be dying because we are waiting days on end for one person to post. Multiple posts a day is preferred, but even just one post a day is acceptable as the 'max' wait time. I'm sorry to have to set this, but I've seen way, way too many RPs die because of waiting on people to post. I want active people, who can stay excited for what comes next, wanting to push the story forward through their own actions, and the actions of the others involved. RP is application based. Use the above character sheet to create a character, and when accepted you can post it in the characters section. I'll then assign you your number in the RP, and once we have 3 characters, we can basically jump right into it. Keep in mind this isn't meant to be a RP where you initially put a ton of thought into your character. You should think through what you want them to be as far as combat goes, like a class, and what you hope to unlock through future progression of their power. But backstory and such, you can't know their backstory without first learning about the world you find yourself in. That's all for now.[/center]