“Teruk, I’ll remember that.” Griga said, looking over the goods as the scrub made his pitch. “Your own work, eh?” Griga asked, “I’ll just have to figure out your specialty, then!” The Zora took the chit from Teruk, scanning over the note quickly, before turning his attention back to the merchant and his wares. “Alright,” Griga said, “I think I might find something here, though. Seems like the right mat.” When Teruk brought up the Great Bay, Griga’s eyes lit up, and he was quick to respond. “Born and raised,” the Zora said, “Spent quite a while inland, too, though. Even lived in the Swamp for a while.” As he talked, Griga examined a few of the potions. “So, why do you ask? Thinking about taking a visit?” He set down the potion he had been holding, and asked, “Do you have much experience with magic?” Although the potions certainly seemed to be quality, Griga found himself most secure with alchemists that knew their way around magic. He figured their concoctions probably had a lot more field testing than a normal alchemist.