[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/UAsePrz.png[/img] [b]Location:[/b] [i]Center Road, The Golden Quarter, Priestella[/i] [b]Interactions:[/b] [i]Aerith [@Crusader Lord] Chieko [@Rune_Alchemist] Hiro [@Ryofu] Vasilis Achillos & Fritzi [@BrokenPromise] Aki [@liferusher] ??? [@Tenma Tendo][/i][/center] [hr] This trio of strangers, unfamiliar with their culture, landing smack dab in the middle of enemy territory unaware, and bearing vague auras of malice. Vasilis' musings made her ponder once more: [color=afafaf][i]"Where do they come from? Perhaps..."[/i][/color] His suggestion to leave them be diverted her thoughts, however. [color=afafaf][b]"Mmm-mm,"[/b][/color] Irene articulated, shaking her head as well. [color=afafaf][b]"Let us wait for them to finish. We've taken care of them this long, I don't want to leave them unready and unacquainted."[/b][/color] Just then, a pair of petite figures had stumbled upon their vicinity, bumping onto Chieko and Aerith. While one of them was unfamiliar to Irene, the other not so much. Approaching them slowly as to not frighten them, Irene had greeted them with a wave and warm smile. [color=afafaf][b]"Hello there! It's been a while, sweetie. I figured I would see you again."[/b][/color] She had stopped in front of them, extending her left hand over to pat the pink-haired girl. She then motioned towards the other damsel, clothed rather enchantingly and holding an unusual pink scepter. [color=afafaf][b]"My name is Irene. I'm assuming you're a friend of little Aki here? Nice to meet you!"[/b][/color]