[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180513/5ef5b8f32a843a2a76c1b0aa903ab393.png[/img] [sub]- Lone Wanderer-[/sub] [/center] If any other Magicals were to see Penny as she slowly made her way over the roof tops of Penrose, they might wonder what had her so distracted. Her half glazed eyes glowing a dull blue-green, the sluggish movements and a general lack of awareness of what was around the cyborg, all gave off the image that she wasn’t fully there at the moment. She was heading roughly in the direction of the Golden Trove Apartment buildings, but at her speed wouldn’t be there anytime soon, and Penny was okay with that. She was using this time to think. In front of her, nonexistent to everyone else, were dozens of text windows filled with lists upon lists. Some of them were lists of the people she knew what their affiliations were and who their patrons were. Others were of the Patrons she was aware of, and others still were dossiers of the various organizations that were known to the magical world. As she looked over all this information Penny pondered the same question that had been bugging her as of late. ‘Where do I fit in this?’ In a little under five months she will have been a Monstergirl for a year and she still felt lost and clueless when confronted by the realities of the magical world. The fact that Laat seemed more than willing to place her in the middle of every mess he could find didn’t make anything easier for her either. With a sigh Penny saved and closed the various files she had opened. She had no better answer now then she did last time she tried to figure this out. Checking her phone app, she sighed again, there was still no reply. She figured she would have gotten something back from the texts she sent earlier but figured the Trial would have started by now. It made sense that Janet didn’t reply; they didn’t know each other all that well but being brushed off by Alicia stung, especially as it wasn’t the first time. Looking skyward Penny could say she honestly never felt as alone as she did right now. She didn’t feel like she could trust anyone at the moment, she blamed Veronica for that. Pushing those thoughts out of her mind for the moment Penny focused on her current task; Finding Mika. As she leapt to the next building Penny hoped that these apartments had decent security cameras, as it would make finding her target easier. Now that she was focused on the here and now it wouldn’t take Penny more than a few minutes to get to her destination, so long as nothing interrupted her that is.