[color=007236][h1][b]ULTFIC[/b][/h1][/color] [hider] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMzNkMjk4ZjktZWFjNy00NzkzLWFiMDctNjM4NWY0MzY4NTUwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDYwMTg2ODk@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,840,1000_AL_.jpg[/img] [/hider] The exodus soldiers were closing in on Ultfic and he knew if he didnt think of something fast he would get knocked out like many other fighters. The four that had encircled him had chosen, unlike him, to wear a helmet, but he could still see there eyes focused on him with a kind of hatred he was somewhat surprised by. Smiling a bit he dropped his stance and stood up seemingly putting down his defence [color=007236]“Well i'm still waiting.”[/color] looking closely he saw one of the Exodus cowards turn to look at one of the others for a split second. The poor boy didn't even know what hit him as he was instantly forced to his back with a loud thud. Not a second later a thounders crack sounded as Ultfic slammed his sword into the chest plate leaving quit a large dent in it. Pressing his advantage Ultfic ran at his next target who was still stunned by the display of both power and speed that Ultfic had just shown. To his dismay by the time he regained his senses Ultfic had already planted his shield under the man's own and was lifting him over his own back. With a loud crack the man was hurled over Ultfics head before seeing his shield slammed into his chest signifying his elimination. Looking up Ultfic saw the other two rushing him. Sliding out of the way Ultfic narrowly missed a spear being thrusted at his head. Spinning around he tried to bring his shield down onto one of his assilents back but was surprised to see it was blocked by another shield. Jumping back Ultfic began analyzing how they were fighting they really were used to fighting with one another. [color=007236]“You got lucky your friend was there to save your arse.”[/color] he yelled with a smile somewhat enjoying the battle. As soon as he was done the two rushed him yelling as they got closer. Smirking Ultfic kicked up a spear that was on the ground and chucking it at the one that was just behind his friend forcing him to bring his shield up to defend. The small time frame in which he had to raise his shield and stop allowed Ultfic to strike at the fronter most assailant. Bringing down his sword in a downward slash the he forced the poor mans hand as he instantly went to block to save his life leaving his midsection open for what would be an uppercut had he not had a shield that would strike first attached to his arm. Having the wind knocked out of him the man doubled over in pain before being thrown by Ultfic into his own partner causing them both to fall to the ground. The last man quickly got to his feet his feet not wanting to be left defenseless but it was to late as he felt a pain in his shoulder as a sword was forced into the shoulder pad. Feeling quite proud of himself Ultfic took a moment to catch his breath [color=007236]“That's what you get for relying on numbers.”[/color] he jabbed towards the two as they left for the exit. Looking across the arena he noticed that the herd had been thinned greatly meaning the end was coming quick. On closer inspection he noticed that there were fighter who were going through the same problem he had just got out of as they were being surrounded by a swarm of exodus spears. Moving towards were one such fight had just finished he made quick work of what was left of the exodus fighters disarming themselves of their spears before denting their armor. Just as he had finished with the last Exodus soldier in that small area he heard a whistling sound. Raising his shield just in time he felt and heard three small thuds as throwing knives had been hurled at him. Looking up he saw a very pale man with hair as white as snow. [color=007236]“Ah you're one of those Primfira people arent you. The cockroach of the 4 kingdoms am a right how am i not surprised one of you made it to the end?”[/color] The mans smugg looked turned to one of anger at being compared to such a horrible insect. Pulling out he ran towards Ultfic hoping to use his speed to outflank Ultfic. The two dance around each other as they exchanged striked that narrowly missed one another. To most it was very elegant which was in stark contrast to the rest of the tournament which for the most part had been very brutal mimicking a real battle for life and death. The turning point came when the assassin from Primeira jumped back from one of Ultrics slash's allowing Ultfic the opening he had been waiting for. Doing a 360 in quick fashion Ultfic released his shield causing it to head straight at the man. Slamming into the mid section of the Assian just as his feet hit the ground he had nowhere to go but down as ultfic jumped on top of him driving the girl of his blade into the man's chest ending his time in the tournament. Grabbing his shield once again Ultfic realized he appeared to be the last one standing. His joy was quickly cut short as he heard the sound of heavy feet behind him. Raising his shield just in time and moving to the side he managed to avoid a strike that very well could have ended his life. Unfortunately for him however the man had so much force that he managed to break the shield on impact sending splinters and other debris flying into Ultfics face. Giving Ultfic no time to move the man proceed with a massive up swing with his won the collided with the remaining portion of Ultfics shield. The force was enough to life Ultfic off the ground for several feet as he was hurled away from his attacker. Struggling to get to his feet he saw the giant of a man standing before him. Giant was quite an understatement even for someone who grew up in Earthica. Looking at the man's weapon he saw a massive mace which would ,in the best case senior, break a few bones if it hit him. Giveing a few heavy breaths Ultfic could feel the toll the battle was having on his body. Even a seasoned fighter like him could only fighter for so long in a battle like this especially when he was constantly fighting more than one opponent at a time. HE could also feel the blood beginning to flow down his head from his shield shrapnel and his impact with the ground. [color=007236][i]"I feel like I was just hit by a bull."[/i][/color] he though to himself as he looked at the man with anger Looking he notice the man had turned his back to Ultfic which did more to piss him off than anything. Taking the small bit of wood that was left from his shield Ultfic threw it at the back of the man's head yelling so even the people in the stands could hear [color=007236]“A you ugly. Am not out so why don't you quit celebrating an fight me now that I can see you.”[/color] The man clearly took offence to his verbal jabs and rushed straight at Ultfic. Well kind of brought that on my self he said to himself as dodged attack after attack only ever able to give the giant small cuts here and there as he knew standing in one place for to long would leave him open. [color=007236]“Funny isn't it? You’re the literal definition of the Lurans stereotype. Big and stupid.”[/color] dodging yet another strike from the mace Ultfic this time was able to put a strike into the man's arm. It wasn't much as Ultfic was trying his best to adhere to the rules of the fight. Seeing the man seething with anger he could tell he just needed one more little push. “[color=007236]Im sorry big fella. I forgot to mention ugly as well. I mean it looks like you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down before falling face first into the mud at the bottom.”[/color] he said in between the man's strikes. He could the tell the man had heard everything he had been saying but the viewers could hardly hear over their loud cheering for who they believed would win. The man had clearly heard enough as he lashed out with even less control than he had originally. Throwing wideal blow Ultfic was able to dodge even easier now that the strike had no real aim to them. Finally as he lifted up the mace Ultfic jumped forwards knocking the man off his center of gravity making him fall back towards the mace which just helped in pulling him down. Stuned the man had little time to realize his mistake as Ultfic was already there planting the dulled blade into the man's chest piece finishing his last opponent in the tournament. Stumbling backwards slightly Ultfic raised his arms in triumph giving out a triumphant roar to to many spectator as he had proven to all the Kingdoms the might of the warriors of Earthica and of himself. Feeling a little light headed from over exertion and blood loss he nonetheless waited for the royals of Exodus to conclude the tournament before he left hoping he had impressed the people watching. (end of tournament after his shield broke). [hider=My Hider] [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/480xn/p04wz13l.jpg[/img] [/hider]