[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180905/61d03515f28c33d68fd841b73ae190ca.png[/img][hr][hider=Micky] [img]http://cdn01.cdn.justjaredjr.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/tye-portraits/tye-sheridan-tiff-portraits-06.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center][hr] When Micky asked for directions he had hoped for a quick simple answer. He had not expected the torrent of activity that came from such a simple query. He nervously stood still as the 'guide' just eyed him up and down. He nearly yelped in surprise as swiftly his shirt was yanked out from the front of his pants. He froze unsure of what to do as the boy proceeded to untuck the rest of his shirt. [color=saddlebrown]"Yeah, I'm Micky. Nice to m-meet you."[/color] Handing over the map Micky hoped that now he'd at least get his answer. He sort of did at least. Being dragged around the courtyard was not the way Micky wanted most people to meet him. He paid attention to what Jett was telling him while also nervously waving at anyone that they rushed past. That was until suddenly Jett seemed to notice a friend. Not entirely sure of what to do Micky decided it'd probably be best to slip away now and avoid being dragged around anymore. Gathering his thoughts over everything that had just happened, Micky eventually deemed it best to put away some of his stuff into his locker. It took a bit but eventually, he found it. However, it seemed someone had picked a fight with it. After kicking it the girl turned her attention to the forming crowd. Micky looked back and forth from the piece of paper that had his locker number on it and the locker the girl had assaulted hoping, no praying, that one of the numbers would suddenly change before his eyes. But he had no such luck. Micky gulped and slowly stepped towards the girl, [color=saddlebrown]"Umm, sorry to bother you but I'm Micky. It's a pleasure to meet you but I think that may be my locker."[/color] He slowly showed the piece of paper to her that indicated as such.