[Centre][h1][sup]The ap-Cantar[/sup][/h1] [img]http://theancientweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/banner-people-arabiax.png[/img] [hider=And 'tis written in the stars that the sands will bloom DARK GREEN][img]https://i.imgur.com/xYP3G0g.jpg[/img][/hider] [sub]The proper study of mankind is Man 'I pray thee then - Write me as one that loves his fellow men.' Were I (who to my cost already am One of those strange, prodigious creatures, man)[/sub] And Hiwcantar, son of Hulcantar, son of Hancantar, son of [i]GREAT[/i] Cantar, from whose loins are the ap-Cantar, whose numbers are as the stars [i]DECREED[/i] that his great place of residence, built of the blackest mud from the bed of the River Tala, should forevermore be named [u][i][b]TILATICANTAR[/b][/i][/u][/centre] Type of Government: Tribal Chiefdom Religion: Worship of [i]GREAT[/i] Cantar, father of the ap-Cantar, whose searing blood flows through the veins of all his sons driving them to deeds of glory. That the ap-Cantar may join their father in the Sea of Souls, they must be worthy of him. The gods of all other people must be brought low, and the migty spear of GREAT Cantar be raised above all. [i]May the eyes of the unworthy never know sleep[/i]! GREAT Cantar now dwells in the Sea of Souls, to which his physical manifestation was committed on its expiration, and to which the bodies of all worthy ap-Cantars are committed on death. On reaching the great kingdom of GREAT Cantar in the Sea of Souls, these worthy warriors join his glorious armies and fight the denizens of the Sea of Souls to further the extent and glory of ap-Cantar kingdom of the Sea of Souls. As for the unworthy - to the Great Yellow Scourge confine their burned remains! Geographical Location: Straddling the north and south banks of the River Tala, with the Sea of Souls to the east and the Great Yellow Scourge to the south. History: The ap-Cantar emerge into history when GREAT Cantar led his people out of the tyranny and custody of the Great Yellow Scourge. Today the ap-Cantar believe the Great Yellow Scourge to be the home of demons and tyrant gods who have sworn enmity against GREAT Cantar and his progeny for ever and aye. GREAT Cantar led his people to the fertile banks of the River Tala where they came upon a complacent people who did not know to fear the fury of the ap-Cantar - and they came to know, only too late, the price of that fury. Since the expiry of GREAT Cantar and his migration into the Sea of Souls to rule for aye and establish a great kingdom for his children, the ap-Cantar have continued a largely nomadic life, raiding the settled people on the River Tala. With the coming of Hiwcantar, however, the ap-Cantar have for the first time in their history built permanent homes of adobe at the [i]great city[/i] of Tilaticantar.