[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/354788242224185348/457324574636245002/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img] Dremmick didn't seem too impressed with Allard dragging in what to him looked like some brothel girl. She was somehow even less dressed than the lassa girl they were dragging along. He looked the girl up and down, his relaxed gaze still piercing. He could tell she wasn't some brothel maiden, but he was sure it wasn't far from it. Before they got to say anything though it seemed the girl who had summoned them had arrived and began to speak to them. Shortly after this girl revealed her true form, that of a ancient elegant dragon. Needless to say, while he could tell Sophia was of dragon blood, [i]this[/i] had surprised him quite thoroughly. In his life he had sen very few dragons, none that compared to her however. She was of a different build and size, complementing speed and maneuverability over hardened power of other dragons. Dremmick leaned off of the wall now that she had his full attention. At least, until she said something about them being watched. He kept a sharp eye in the direction she refereed to. His hazel eyes started to glow a yellow color with wisps of spectral energy flowing gently out of them as he used his soul sight, noticing that there indeed was someone over there. But, he could hunt the eavesdropper later, he needed to pay attention for now. Though it didn't stop him from watching the bushes even after his soul sight faded away. She called herself Sophia, the Guardian of Knowledge. He listened carefully to what she had to tell them. Even though Dremmick knew about a number of events that have been occurring lately, he didn't know that things were becoming so dire so quickly. She then started what looked to be a blood magic ritual, the likes of which even Dremmick hasn't seen before. When she held out the scale, he nodded and walked forward. [color=A52A2A]"We accept your offer, and thank you for sacrificing your time. Hopefully, we won't come calling."[/color] [color=9ACD32]"But wait, we can't accept that. While I am sure tha Guardian is plenty powerful, we can't ask her ta break her oath fur our sake,"[/color] Allard interjected, his arms crossed. [color=A52A2A]"Oh, oaths huh? Tell me, what's the worth of an oath to sit by and record history and knowledge if the world is destroyed? We are taking it. At least I am. If it means that much to you then make sure we never need to use it."[/color] Dremmick said as he put it away. Allard thought for a moment then shook his head. [color=9ACD32]"Alright,"[/color] he replied, [color=9ACD32]"Go ahead."[/color] Allard wasn't thrilled with the idea, but he guessed sometimes, oaths become outdated when the situations change. After bidding farewell to Sophia, Dremmick turned his attention back to the eavesdropper, who seemed to still be hiding as he used his soul sight once more. [color=C86060]"I am Nailah, a priestess of the Fallen Goddess. Allard asked me to travel with him for a bit as a way to repay what I did for him, but I may stay for a bit longer now that I heard what Sophia had to say and saw you guys... You're quite the weird group, aren't you?"[/color] the girl with Allard said after Sophia left. [color=A52A2A]"So it would seem,"[/color] he said looking from her and up to Allard. [color=A52A2A]"I'm Dremmick."[/color] he said, looking toward the brush where Shye hid. There were plenty of children milling about the woods when they arrivrd, so he wouldn't be surprised if it was some kid. Either way, whatever info they would have gathered wouldn't have amounted to much even if it was an enemy. He guessed he would habe to keep an eye out. [color=9ACD32]"You Don't suppose Sophia would have noticed if it were a threat, would ya?"[/color] Allard asked. [color=A52A2A]"I wouldn't bet on it."[/color] Dremmick replied. He looked back over and assessed the two. [color=A52A2A]"I could always go and 'take care' of it if you are that worried about it."[/color] He pulled out his karambit and started spinning it on his finger through the finger loop on the end of the handle. His face was neutral, so it was hard to tell if he was being serious or not.