[center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/e76e/f/2018/260/b/c/dbgd4sff4x4m_fullhh_by_saltyalien-dcn2y73.jpg[/img] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/2387/f/2018/261/2/5/coollogo_com_19239534_by_saltyalien-dcn5ah5.png[/img] [i]"And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love Grey clouds roll over the hills Bringing darkness from above"[/i] [color=lightblue]Interacting with: Natalia[/color] [@Aamaya], open for interactions (please)[/center] [hr][hr] Natalia let Sonya lead her to a more discreet location, away from the open space. There was a human voice shouting in the distance, all the more reason for Sonya to hurry. "Wait.. I have to go back. I can't stay out any longer. All that noise and commotion is going to make getting home even harder if I wait.. On top of that who knows if Toxo heard it, they may send people out in search of the culprit," Natalia said then, halting Sonya by not walking further. Sonya's cold eyes met with Nat's, frowning slightly. Now, really? They had barely escaped... [color=lightblue]"...Right. Yeah, whatever,"[/color] Sonya nodded in response, feeling a flash of something that seemed dangerously like disappointment. It was understandable. After all, Natalia was a big thing amongst Toxo. Despite hating Toxo, Blue couldn't help but feel impressed by the woman's high position. Natalia was momentarily distracted by their joined hands, and Sonya realised she hadn't thought much, just grabbed the woman's hand in the moment. Did it bother Natalia? Why did the thought of it potentially bothering Nat bother Sonya even more? Not good with reading emotions, Natalia's blushing went unnoticed by Sonya. She wrote it off as them having run just a moment ago. "Take care and be safe Sonya, we can try this again soon," Natalia then said, parting their ways. No one called her Sonya anymore. It was weird, yet oddly warming. Sonya looked at her feet before looking back at Natalia and accepting that she had to go. [color=lightblue]"Don't go and get yourself killed,"[/color] Sonya responded in her usual parting manner. Even though she wasn't smiling, her voice held that softer undertone reserved for the brunette only. Turning away before Natalia could completely disappear, Blue continued on her trail alone. She had little to no idea where she was going, her first priority was to find a place to camp. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, Sonya began to feel the burning sensation of her wound. If only she wasn't so fucking rubbish at first aid. Her bicep would most likely get infected if not cleaned, but Blue's only health measure was to wrap a cloth around it to stop it from bleeding. Huffing, the woman busted into a seemingly abandoned building, trying to find a highground. What she really wanted was some alcohol and other parts, such as bottles, so she could refill her bomb supply. She had used nearly all of her explosives, and for what? I mean she had survived, but now she was all alone again. Gosh, did Sonya miss tinkering. She just wanted to build some explosives before she got ambushed by the infected again... or worse, ambushed by humans.