Gale hid in the shadows of the buildings trying to avoid the crazed students attacking each other. The downside to his quirk was that the longer he stayed in the shadows the longer it took his eyes to adjust to the light. Given the situation he would have to take that risk. Diving from shadow to shadow, he eventually found an area away from the students. He emerged from the shadows stepping into the blinding light. It made his eyes burn. He knelt down and rubbed his eyes. Suddenly, he heard a noise. It was mechanical. He then remembered the actual test. His vision was still blurry so he couldn't properly see the robot but he could see the shadow it created. Not wasting time, Gale stood up and ran towards the robot. With his vision disrupted, he could still see the robots fist swing towards him. He ducked underneath the blow and slid into the shadow disappearing under the robot. He emerged behind the robot only to find another standing behind that one. That robot swung at Gale. He dropped into the shadow and caused the two robots to destory each other. He came up from the wreckage and let out a deep breath. "Nice." He said. Just then, several more robots converged on his position. Some looked different from others, but they all moved with a similar pattern with the same goal. He smiled. 'Too easy.' He thought to himself. He stood still until the last possible moment then dipped into the shadow of the closet robot. He dove through the shadows of the robots causing them to destory each other. The whole deal last about 2 mintues. And when it was all said and done, he sat atop the wreckage of the destoryed robots.