[hr][center][img]https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/1400/f5680f53522101.59377852a7113.png[/img][/center][hr][sub][color=FDAD07][b]New York City, New York[/b] [b]Issue #2[color=white] [b]—[/b][/color][/b] Unseen Enemies[/color][/sub] [indent][color=FDAD07][i]Brave, but stupid.[/i][/color] Bekka gritted her teeth as she looked forward as Spider-Woman's neck laid in the Silver Surfer's grasp. Even if she was one of Earth's finest metahumans Bekka knew that all it took would be a little force for Darkseid's herald to end her life. The red-haired New Genesisian launched herself forward from the webbing she had crashed into, looking to exert all of her forward momentum into a strike that would make the silver-toned god drop the teenager and force his attention to concentrate on her and her alone – or at least as long as she could. Bekka had experienced Darkseid's cruelty firsthand and if it was anybody's burden to bear to combat him it would be her. If she failed, who would be there to pick up the pieces? Superman? The Flash? She wasn't sure about people she had never met and had only heard secondhand information about. All she knew was she had to give everything to make sure Earth didn't become a second New Genesis.[/indent]