[quote=@blackdragon] One I tried to run on another site but had my schedule change in the interest check phase- Bucking Brontos: A Prehistoric Western. The name says it all, quite honestly. [/quote] Dude! I once had an idea for a Prehistoric Western! It was based off this art book: [center][hider=Great Artist BTW, I follow him on Instagram] [img]https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/017/497/408/91fad14c7f1290ba80bcf761cbc34348_original.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&crop=faces&w=1552&h=873&fit=crop&v=1503164821&auto=format&q=92&s=9c0d34440a6b6eb56ff611be945ce278[/img] [/hider][/center]