Personally, I'd like to see a Warcraft RP that doesn't die in its infancy or because of vanishing GMs/players/partners. I know there are people out there who like World of/Warcraft, but RPG seems to have awful luck with RPs based in the Warcraft setting. Oh, and can the RP, y'know, [i]not[/i] have futas? I had two people get my hopes up with putting Warcraft in their 1x1 check and later say they want to play "chicks with something extra." Some ideas I've considered:[list] [*]Kul Tiras Shipwreck: Your standard shipwreck idea, where a Tirasian naval ship (or even passenger ship) finds itself shipwrecked on an island and has to fight off Horde, naga, etc. Could do well with the BfA expedition stuff. [*]Lich King Victory: A more high power RP where the heroes aren't saved by Tirion and the Light, and the Lich King resurrects them into his champions. The heroes are then forced to lead the armies of undeath onto those they once considered their allies. [*]Adventuring "Heroes": This RP was something I tried to run in a psuedo-Westfall setting. While it can really work anywhere, essentially a bunch of nobodies go on several adventures and quests to rebuild the region from whatever is happening e.g. rampant poverty, encroaching beasts (gnolls, orges, undead, etc). [*]Scourge Survival: I'm a sucker for zombie stuff, and I thought that a RP where the players have to survive within scourge-infested lands by scrounging up supplies and avoid dying to Scourge minions would sound cool. Pretty much your standard zombie RP, just with a Warcraft flair to it.[/list] While I can GM these myself, I tend to be cursed with RPs dying after 12 or so posts if I'm GMing. Not that it happens all the time, just that I don't want to put the work into the RP if the same thing happens like I had mentioned in at the beginning of this post. Maybe someone else would have better luck with it. Outside that, I'd generally would like to see more post-apocalyptic/apocalyptic stuff (especially zombies), and some more anime/anime-inspired RPs. A lot of the newest anime RPs are Fate-based, and I really wish there was more variation right now.