[quote=@The World] *Several more years pass* It occurs to me after much reflection that perhaps I pressed upon a sore spot. Let me just lay out why you want to do this. First, this is going to fix a lot of time related... let's say "situations," such as your boyfriend's current existence. Since you and I will remember this, and not have our memories corrected alongside Existence, it'll be easy to ferry his essence into a scenario where he can simply be conceived again. As opposed to what will happen otherwise, which is the eventual destruction of the concept of his existence. Secondly, more important to you, [i]your[/i] history will change to one in which you never interacted with certain actors, namely in your case, Dark. Your current history will become a second set of memories, and you will slowly adapt to having your new history and your current memories. Third, [i]we will be able to leave this space,[/i] something we won't be able to do [i]unless you press it.[/i] [/quote] *The sands trickle down ever so slowly and dematerialize into nothing*