Rhazii broke eye contact and sat still. He glanced up at Ahnasha with a guilty frown but otherwise only gave her a surreptitious nod to acknowledge her. "I see," Fendros said. "She would be at that age by now, wouldn't she? That makes sense." Fendros lowered his brow again. "Our plans are relatively loose. We do not know whether Ahnasha's family are visiting for long. If do not stay at the vineyard, we may lodge with the local inn. I'm sure you and Meesei can coordinate how you wish to transport between here and Cheydinhal." [hr] Janius took a moment to reassess the surroundings. No matter where he looked, nothing was particularly familiar. Either the marsh had changed since his last visit – as it was wont to do – or he had simply not committed the area to memory when searching for Kaleeth back when she went missing from her tribe many years ago. He sighed. "It's...not ringing any bells. I'm sorry. You weren't injured or anything when we found you, you were just terrified. I seem to remember you mentioning making Hircine an offering?" Janius let out the rest of his breath and refocused. "This has been bothering you for a while, hasn't it? I don't know if what happened was for a purpose or just a twist of fate. What's brought such thoughts to your mind, anyway?"