Mikhail stopped and turned towards the door retracting his armor, he stood about 3 feet from the newcomer. "Its both of our rooms," Mikhail said pointing to the two beds "And I don't think whatever you thought we were doing is exactly what we were doing, so just give me a minute here." Mikhail turned away from the nutcase and back to Willow, he walked her out the door shouldering the boy that stood there out of the way. He gave her a quick kiss then went inside and closed the door, he spun around and looked the kid dead in the eyes. He looked him once over, the boy wasn't exactly beefy nor was he entirely scrawny either. Mikhail figured if it came down to it he'd be the one who came out on top. "Your friend informed of your disorder," Mikhail said "but there's only so much I'll put up with before I get serious. For instance stuff like what you just did, that doesn't happen again. We got an agreement?"