"Don't bother worryin' about me." Lorag replied. "I'm not gonna be sticking around, and it probably won't take me that long. I just need to use the portal, then I'll go my own way." Ahnasha shrugged. "Suit yourself, but if things don't go to your plan, you can probably stay with either us or Meesei, depending." While not ignoring Ahnasha, Lorag still was not terribly receptive to the offer. "Hmph, well I'm sure I'll figure it out." Lorag was clearly not interested in speaking, so after a while of waiting around in silence, Ahnasha finally sat back down next to Fendros, looking understandably anxious. She spoke softly, though not in a way that made any attempt to hide what she was saying from the others. "So...what kind of problems do you think to expect from your family? Or, well, no need to pretend it could be from anything else: what do you expect from your father?" [hr] Kaleeth looked away again. "I...don't know what to tell them. I don't know if there is anything I [i]can[/i] tell them. I'm their daughter, and I abandoned them. A year after their son, my brother, died, I just left them for someone I just met. Obviously, I don't regret it now. I love you, and my family, and I'd do the same thing again, but...I know I hurt them. I didn't understand it then, but now that we have Julan, I can understand what I did to them. I was a horrible daughter. Maybe if some divine being pulled me away for some higher purpose, then they might feel better about it, but...I just don't know. I don't know why I thought I would remember anything. It was a stupid idea."