[center][img]https://em.wattpad.com/730cf25fa64a877b5ad4478d99eaad31edd13635/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f69427a5343626e485a345f4465413d3d2d3630303339333630362e313533663433366636373466633434613732333332313037393535352e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [color=b7eda4]"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain"[/color] [hr][hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180923/4805f4a09f05d03a024b61989c48efdc.png[/img] [color=b7eda4]~ [b]General Information[/b] ~[/color] [color=b7eda4]||[/color] ASH [color=b7eda4]||[/color] 30 [color=b7eda4]||[/color] Female [color=b7eda4]||[/color] Photographer/Painter [color=b7eda4]||[/color] Bisexual [color=b7eda4]-[/color] Time Spent at Redwood: 1 month [hr][hr] [color=b7eda4]~ [b]Appearance[/b] ~[/color] Cerulean eyes stared intensely at the canvas before her as hands steadily glided the brush along to add the fine last minute details to the painting, losing their normal clumsiness due to her focus. Upbeat music rang out through her headphones, wrapping her in her own world as she set out to finish the piece with no interruptions. She gently nodded her head to the beat making sure not to go too crazy since it was very likely something would go wrong if she did. Copper hair spilled into her vision, a quick puff of air from her lips doing nothing to sway the locks from their current position which caused a sigh of frustration from the petite 5'10 woman as she should have known better than to leave it free-flowing. The brush was set aside next to the easel as to deal with the layered shoulder length mess that should have been handled from the beginning. She moved over to the small workbench covered in a variety of supplies and cubbies, snagging one of the hair clips snugly gripping onto the edge of the wooden table before pushing her hair back to secure it. It went completely unnoticed to her that bright green paint was now smeared not only in her hair but across the porcelain skin of her forehead. She took a moment to appreciate the masterpiece she had made with her own two hands and though she wanted to continue, she decided to take the hair incident as a sign and quickly wiped the paintbrush onto her apron being careful to avoid her bluejeans in the process. The brush dipped into a dab of black paint on her pallet, the letters ASH being placed into the dry corner to mark it as her own. Full rose-colored lips curved into a dazzling smile that lit up the delicate features of her face, earbuds were yanked out and the apron quickly discarded on its hook that hung on the back of her bedroom door. Aria moved to open the door handle, thinking of grabbing a cup of tea and relaxing with a good book when the paint on her hands caught her attention. That wasn't good, the last thing she needed was to track paint everywhere...again...and with that in mind, Aria carefully took her clean fingers to open the door and headed to the community bathroom since she would probably need a mirror if her hands were anything to go by. She made her way out of the apartment and over to the only door not clearly marked with room numbers/letters, giving a light knock before trying the handle and making her way in when no response was to be found. It took no time for her to head over to the sink as she set to work to remove the paint. Aria flicked her fingers into the sink, slightly attempting to dry them and her eyes flicked up from under long dark lashes to the mirror before taking in her appearance. The splash of color on her forehead made her chuckle and roll her eyes at her own blunder since it trailed perfectly into her hair which meant a shower later whether she had planned to or not. A quick wipe removed at least the traces of it on her skin though she tilted her head to make sure she hadn't missed any. The rounded cheeks and button nose had been spared the paints wrath and nothing along the small jawline or chin. She nodded in satisfaction, no paint appearing on her baggy black shirt or secretly hiding anywhere else as far as she could tell. This is how she preferred to look, no make-up or fancy frills and just a casual comfort. Aria, of course, knew how to doll up and wow but she liked to reserve those times for special occasions or when she wanted to impress. There was no point in doing so normally when it might be unexpectedly covered in paint or even dirt if she was laying down with her camera to catch that perfect shot. In her eyes, it didn't matter much on looks as to her, it was personality and the inside that counted. You could look amazing but if the inside doesn't reflect the outside then what was the point? She shook her head, pushing those thoughts away as a cup of tea was calling and if she was lucky, maybe a good book or a nice conversation with roommates if they caught her out and about in the living area. With that, she made her way out of the bathroom, closing the door softly behind her. [color=b7eda4]~ [b]Personality[/b] ~[/color] [color=b7eda4]||[/color] Carefree [color=b7eda4]||[/color] Adventurous [color=b7eda4]||[/color] Clumsy [color=b7eda4]||[/color] Oraginized-Mess [color=b7eda4]||[/color] Outspoken [color=b7eda4]||[/color] Aria is a kindhearted, outspoken, optimistic woman that marches to the beat of her own drum and isn't afraid to do so. She believes in being herself even if people's opinion of her might not be a good one because of it. She wants people who like her for the way she is and doesn't feel like anyone should make you change who you are meant to be. The ones that know her are very aware of how stubborn she can be when her mind is set on something and she won't let anyone get in her if she believes it is right or will help someone in need. She always tries to find the good in everyone which sometimes can get her into trouble. This isn't to say she is naive and won't give her trust to anyone but she wants to understand what they think and why they do what they do. If you do earn her trust and friendship than you will never meet anyone more caring and open. Aria will always tell you what she thinks and not exactly what you would like to hear. She doesn't do this to be mean or cruel but because she knows nothing good ever comes from a lie. In some ways, Aria can be very mature and in others, she acts kind of childish but she knows how and when to be serious even though she would rather not be. It is much or fun to be laughing and smiling than having to be serious or straight-faced. [color=b7eda4]~ [b]Habits[/b] ~[/color] Aria, though skilled with a paintbrush or camera is completely clumsy when it comes to other aspects of her life. The reason for this is that she is unfocused as her mind races to the next best idea. It is a lot more helpful then you would think for creativity but not so much for other things. She means well but when you have burnt food because she forgot it was left in the oven then it becomes a problem or hazard. Let's not count the times she has hurt herself be dropping or tripping over items. This, of course, is not her only quirk as if she is shy, embarrassed or intently thinking, you can often find her biting her lip or playing with the tips of her hair. She has been found more then once, humming or singing if she is in a good mood or if she is in the shower. There are probably many more but those are at least the obvious one or at least what has been pointed out. [color=b7eda4]~ [b]Background[/b] ~[/color] Aria's life had been simple till that night. She went to local schools through her young life and got good grades. She had done a few stupid things as most teens do while they learn themselves and try out the new but nothing too extreme. Her parents were always patient and kind even with her blunders, it probably came naturally to them as they were both teachers. It had been the reason for their meeting and the start of a loving relationship. Aria might be a bit bias but she had never seen a pair more in love. No one would have thought they would have the fate they did. They had all been out to the movies, heading home with excited talk of what they had all seen together. It was just a split second. A screech of tires, the justling, cries, pain, and the darkness fading in. Aria's head felt heavy, a ringing in her ears and an unfocused gaze when her eyes opened to the harsh light that just made her want to close them again. The air smelled sterile, the bed though somewhat comfy was not her own and the clothes felt strange as it took her fogged brain a moment to take in that she was in a hospital bed. What happened? She didn't know. Why were her parents not waiting next to her? Was it past visiting hours? Were they hurt too? Panic flooded in, the sound of screeching tires stuck on her mind and she went to stand though she found her muscles weak and some of her limbs broken. A nurse rushed to her side, placing her back into the bed as she called for a doctor though Aria could only feel frustrated with the action. She didn't want a doctor. She wanted to see her parents and know if they were okay. They had waited on her, making sure she was comfortable now that she was awake. It had come to her knowledge that she had been out of it for a small amount of time. Her parents, that had been her first and only question. It had been like the world stopped when she found out she had survived alone. She didn't get a chance to say goodbye or even see it coming. Never again would she see them smile or do something to make her roll her eyes or pout in protest. Never would she hear their voices or do something to make them laugh. They wouldn't see her graduate. They wouldn't be there for her future as she had always imagined. Aria sucked in a breath she didn't know she had been holding and cried. No shame in who saw or heard her agony as her tears poured down her face. She felt utterly alone. The only one left was a distant relative she had never heard of, in a place far from home. Silvervale wasn't all bad but it wasn't home. She finished up her last few months in homeschooling. She knew it was hard to be around her as she seemed to be walking corpse. She had gone to counseling and it had helped her see the possibilities and positives in her life. It dulled the pain a little and it was suggested that she try something creative to escape too. She had found that in photography. She captured beautiful scenes or shared moments of others. She would make up stories about her unknown muses. It wasn't long before no only did she want to just capture but create. She switched her focus of being a teacher like her parents before her and started down the path of photography and art. It had finally brought a bit of joy and she wanted to share it with everyone. She wanted to be a great artist and it gave her a passion to focus on. Out of college, she slowly built a name for herself under the name ASH as she wasn't one to like attention or didn't know how to deal with it without being a stuttering mess. Aria found herself never sticking to one place long but Silvervale was the place she always came back to as it now was more home to her than anywhere else she roamed. It was why she had chosen Redwood as she needed to be one her own two feet quickly as a hotel didn't sound pleasant and she didn't want to burden anyone. [hr][hr] [color=b7eda4]~ [b]Extra[/b] ~[/color] [color=b7eda4]-[/color] Has a [url=http://picdom.ru/i/1280x800/c/e/cd2db4883.jpg]tattoo[/url] on her wrist of two small crows flying which she got for her parents [color=b7eda4]-[/color] Has light scars littered in random spots due to the car crash which she is actually a bit self-conscious about [color=b7eda4]-[/color] Has a slight fear of cars and is more up for walking if possible [color=b7eda4]-[/color] She knows how to play the piano but does not do so often [color=b7eda4]-[/color] Loves the rain and thunderstorms [color=b7eda4]-[/color] Doesn't really like the darkness which is why she has a digital clock on her nightstand to have a bit of light [color=b7eda4]-[/color] Loves sweets which is surprising with how small she is. She does like to do some running here and there but she still doesn't know where she puts it [/center]