[Center][quote=@DocTachyon][color=#f92a0e][b]”SUUUURFEEEEERRR!”[/b][/color][/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/rj1hfqD.png[/img][/center] [b][color=#ffffff]The Raft, New York[/color][/b] [color=#ffffff]The Surfer’s head turned towards the screeching motorbike. It moved at what felt like a snail’s crawl to the herald. They scream coming from its rider echoed around the prison. The lariat the rider was twirling latched around the Surfer’s arm and his passenger pointed an arm that had morphed into a cannon of some sort. Still the Surfer did not flinch. He waited until Reyes let a blast loose from his cannon to make his move.[/color] [b][color=#999999]“YOU INTRIGUE ME MOST OF ALL, JAIME REYES, BUT POTENTIAL ALONE IS NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR EXPERIENCE. THE POWER YOU WIELD IS FORMIDABLE – BUT IT IS AS [i]NOTHING[/i] NEXT TO THE AWESOME MIGHT OF THE POWER COSMIC.”[/color][/b] [color=#ffffff]With a wave of the Surfer’s hand he sent Jaime’s blast towards Spider-Woman. The other dragged the Vigilante with such a strength that it swung the rider and his vehicle. Reyes went flying clean from its back, crashing into one of The Raft’s remaining walls, whilst Vigilante was sent crashing into Wonder-Woman, bike and all. Still it seemed as if the Silver Surfer wasn't leaving first gear or approaching breaking a sweat.[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tiRwmEW.jpg?1[/img][/center] [b][color=#999999]“YOU STRUGGLE IN VAIN. EACH MOMENT THAT YOU PROLONG OUR BATTLE IS ANOTHER THAT THIS WORLD’S POPULACE CONTINUES TO WALLOW IN SUFFERING AND WANT. SUBMIT TO THE WILL OF DARKSEID AND ALLOW THEM TO BE SAVED.”[/color][/b] [color=#ffffff]The group of assembled heroes seemed to be piecing together their bearings. One by one they staggered to their feet. The sneers on their faces were the only answer that the Surfer needed. He was overcome with contempt at their selfishness. He could feel them, the life-forms of this planet, toiling away in misery in despair because of avarice. These so-called ‘heroes’ would protect a world built on greed? On suffering? No, the Surfer thought as he gritted his teeth, only Darkseid could deliver this world from evil. [/color] [b][color=#999999]“OR COME FORTH ONCE MORE IF YOU MUST – AND MEET YOUR END.”[/color][/b]