[color=C6DEFF][center][h1]Bast Ragoczy[/h1][/center][/color] Most of the girls, Eilidh included, weren't pretty happy with what George did and apparently, Bast wasn't the only one considering him to maybe want to trick them or be just lying about that 'acquaintance' of his. That said, their mission today was over and it was time to decide what were they going to do. Before Bast could ask or even say anything to Eilidh, she came to his direction as she cleared her throat, calling his attention and stepped on his foot just as he finished messing with Vară. Bast closed his eyes leaning forward a bit with a clear grimace of pain as Eilidh did so. He was lucky that his foot wasn't broken in tiny pieces. Despite the pain, Bast couldn't help but let out a discreet laughter as he heard Eilidh muttering that they should go to the Shrine of Eros to eat something. Her jealously was nothing short of adorable. Painful, but adorable. [color=C6DEFF]"Ouch. My adorable Eilidh, are you jea-"[/color] Bast started to say, but was interrupted by yet another jealous/angry woman. This time, it was Vară. Despite her displaying such cute and innocent behavior, she still had a... well... very 'fiery' temper... The arrogance in her voice in part ruined the adorable and innocent charm she had earlier, but Bast couldn't help but to be amused by her reaction. Someone could use learning some manners... [color=ed1c24]"Learn your place around nobility, you dolt."[/color] she said, with an indignant tone as she stepped on Bast's other foot. While her tiny feet wouldn't do much harm themselves, she also heated her heels with her magic, making it quite painful despite her size. Bast could only repeat the same pained expression from before as he, for the first time since he came there, used his cane the way it should be used, supporting his own weight as he leaned forwards. Bast's formal shoes, which had survived bloodthirsty kings and queens, bandits, mercenaries, creatures and countless other kings, were finally ruined by naught but a jealous and an angry woman... [color=C6DEFF]"Quite... the attitude for one whom calls themselves 'nobility' don't you think? I guess I should be insulting you instead of complimenting you, I suppose?"[/color] Bast said with a dissatisfied expression towards Vară. [color=C6DEFF]"Amongst all the secrets that surround our world, woman are still one of the most difficult ones to fully grasp and understand..."[/color] Bast muttered to himself as he took a step forward, using his cane to help him walk. [color=C6DEFF]"Shall we go then, my dear Eilidh? Just wait a bit for me, I can't walk too fast right now."[/color] Bast said with a sigh and a chuckle. [@PaulHaynek] [@Silver Carrot] [@AzureKnight] [hr] [hr]