[hr][center][img]https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/1400/f5680f53522101.59377852a7113.png[/img][/center][hr][sub][color=FDAD07][b]New York City, New York[/b] [b]Issue #2[color=white] [b]—[/b][/color][/b] Unseen Enemies[/color][/sub] [indent]Surfer's attack on the Raft had attracted the attention of several others. It was a happening that Bekka regretted as the Surfer blocked her advanced by flinging one of the newcomers at her, his vehicle along with him. It was fast, but Bekka was trained in a collosseum alongside other gods, giving everything they had to impress Highfather. Speed was one of the things Bekka needed to be razor sharp to prevail as champion on over a dozen bouts; besting even her brother, Scott, on several occasions. Speed would be no issue above the walls of "The Raft". The New Genesisian pressed her feet into the metal underneath her feet and launched herself upward, barely avoiding collision with the skull-faced creature that the Surfer had thrown at her. By the time she centered herself in the air, the Surfer had charged another hero and rendered her unconscious as he flung her at the others. Such power was not one Darkseid had wielded when he purged New Genesis of all intelligent life; to think the tyrant had gathered power on such a scale was terrifying and for a second Bekka hesitated as she wondered how the surfer could be defeated. But Bekka couldn't afford the time to strategize in the current situation she was in. She had to [i]act[/i]. With the twirl of the blade in her hand she charged downward with all of her might. She had to buy the other heroes time and even though she didn't know how to fight Darkseid's herald she wouldn't yield. [b][color=FDAD07]“What value does this planet have to Darkseid?!”[/color][/b] She uttered as she attacked the Surfer. [/indent]