[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180824/0363695eea704434f16e5fc9c1381601.png[/img] [h3]”Near The Docks”, Cham, Priestella[/h3] ~[i]Retrospect[/i] ~[/center] A smile coated Wisp's face. At least, in part. While the entire group wasn't willing to join him on his misadventures, at least one was, and that was better than nothing! Whatever kind of trouble the group was in was far from his top priority to deal with - torture, being killed, arrested, all that stuff; he didn't have much stake in their predicament. Whatever mess they had gotten themselves into, and through what means, didn't matter. Fun did. Now that he was away from Mousey for the first time in ages, and [i]outdoors[/i] of all place, there was so much potential! He could eat a load of food, and stuff like that! Was that all he could think of doing? Yes. Yes it was. But it was a noble goal! he'd come up with some other stuff at another time, probably, but for now, the goal was eating food. And what better way to eat food was there than with random strangers wielding magical artefacts? Wisp was ready to leave, to march forward, new friends in tow, when he was stopped, by the one who was willing to join him, no less. [b][center]"Here's the device, keep it; we won't need it where we're going."[/center][/b] He barely even got a chance to get going, before he was forced to a halt by the boy. Confusing marred his mind, grinding his thought processes to a halt as he took the device in his free hand, and idly looked it over. The device wasn't even that important to him. He would have had every chance to look it over later after the group became friends, but now he was getting it for free. It was nice to have but... It was missing something, something key. The whole situation was. So they wouldn't follow him? But what about the fun they were going to have? In the seconds after, with his free had clasped around the device, he turned it over, taking a look at its components to distract his mind from the disappointment he felt. It was saddening to think that maybe they didn't trust him, and that somehow they thought being [i]arrested[/i] was a better alternative to going with him, but at least he got something out of the engagement, right? It wasn't all for nothing. It wasn't a waste. But it only took a couple of seconds for Aer to close the distance between them, placing herself between him and the group. As Wisp pulled his eyes away from the device to look up, he noticed the crowd. Or more-rather, the lack thereof. The crowd around them had begun to disperse, no doubt in part from the fire, but also thanks to the woman in front of him, wielding her weapon - now pointed straight at him. The series of observation fit together like a jigsaw in his brain, until he came to his own hand, where the fireball he had summoned still sat blazing. [colour=MediumOrchid]"W-wait a second, this isn't- I didn't-!"[/colour] as quickly as he had seen it, he shook his hand in the air, allowing the heat and energy of the ball to disperse almost as quickly as it summoned, [colour=MediumOrchid]"I don't wanna fight, promise!"[/colour] as he spoke, he placed the device into one of his pouches, keeping one of his arms outstretched, between him and Aer, both to keep her at distance, but also that she could see that it wasn't doing anything. As slowly as possible, as to not cause an escalation, he took a step back, and then another, his arm staying between them. If this was going to turn into a fight, he wanted as much distance from her weapon as possible, especially with her reach. He could fight with weapons, but he was a magic user; distance was key here. [colour=MediumOrchid]"L-listen, I can go with you to the guards, 'kay? I know people there! If you say you're with me, they won't arrest you or anything like that, I know it! And then we can all be friends! 'Kay?"[/colour] [center][@BrokenPromise][@ERode][@Letter Bee][@Guy0fV4lor][/center]