[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7a/83/9f/7a839f2a566865833c794ab55550462f.gif[/img][/center] [h3][center] [color=0076a3]lauren watson[/color] [/center][/h3] Staring off into the distance, the woman in the watch tower suddenly remember she was forgetting something. Lauren jumped when the sound of her responsibilites called out to her from below in the form of a sexy british accent. Shit. Had she forgotten to report in this explosions. She reached for the radio as if to correct this mistake, but it was already too late. Her eyes quickly took in information she should have caught onto already. Natalia entered her view (bitch), and scouts were going off to investigate those explosions. Of course they were; someone tossing up molotovs within the horizon line of Toxo is vitally important information. How had she fucked up like that? She didn't realize the molotovs would be pertinent information. She didn't think like Ryder did. He was ontop of his game at all times- nothing got past him. It's why he was in charge and someone like her wasn't. Ryder was the only person in the world who could make her feel so inadequate before even admonishing her. Hopefully he was too far away to see her temporarily shocked expression, but she somehow doubted it. There's no reason he would ask something like that if something wasn't wrong. Despite his joking nature, Lauren was upset at herself for disappointing Ryder by fucking up. [color=0076a3]"Yeah...saw some explosions, couple miles that way in the northern suburbs."[/color] She sluggishly raised her bare arm and pointed a finger towards that direction. [color=0076a3]"I'm sorry, sir. I failed to report it in."[/color] She said, geniune in her apology and losing her usual tone. Her eyes followed the progress of the men and women gathering to investigate. Then she looked back down at Ryder. Despite the fact that she was a storey or two above him, Ryder's joking tone, baseball bat cane, overall hotness, and the most important fact she fucked up big time had sucked the humor from her, and made her feel small. Lauren didn't even know if she was in trouble yet- but it didn't really matter. He was one of the few people in this world who really got it, and she wanted his approval.