Leosin was bombarded with questions, though the occasion did not seem all that unfamiliar to him. He raised a waterskin to his lips and took a quick swig as the others were speaking, clearing his throat in preparation to voice his own thoughts. And again, he would begin from the question that had been asked first. If what he would request of them would indeed be to see to the destruction of the clutch. "You have found the truth of the matter, priestess. It will be difficult, but not impossible", he started with the matter of subterfuge before changing to the breaths of dragons as it was. "The black breathe acid, as it would happen. The white bring forth frost, and the green foul poison. Blue you know of, and red belch the fire." "As for what I require of you, returning to their camp and seeing to the destruction of their clutch or even scouting out the information regarding their next move would be more than appreciated. You should have time on your side. They have rooted themselves in quite deep, as far as I have understood. They should not be leaving any time soon, so you may wait and strike when the time is right." The monk finished with a solemn nod and another sip of water before switching his focus to Brannor. "The dragon is not with them. It could not fit into the cave. Regrettably, I have little knowledge of the sturdiness of the eggs beyond that. But with your weapons and spells, I am sure they will give in", he explained, lacking in first hand knowledge and unable to tell from what he had read it seemed. And finally, he turned to Torus. "As for what they seek to do beyond building a hoard worthy of their tyrant god, I have been unable to discern so far. If you find out anything about it, I would very much like to hear it. Why they are building the hoard in the first place is also a question that I am unsure of when it comes to the answer, other than that they keep praising it as 'worth the Queen of Dragons'." With all of the questions answered, the monk would move on to his proposal. "While destroying the clutch would be the best outcome, all I truly need is knowledge of their upcoming antics and for that I will see to rewarding you handsomely. My travel fund, nor Greenest hold enough coin for me to make the payment here and now, but find me in Elturel afterwards, where I will have collected the money from my contacts. I promise you no less than seven hundred and fifty pieces of gold. That should amount to one hundred and fifty for each of you." The man paused, drawing a deep breath. "It hate to ask anything more of you, after all you have already done. But the need is great, and I can only hope that you can aid me this one more time. I need you to return to the camp. You know your way to it and around it now. I need to know what they are planning", he expressed his regrets, before his face curled into a wry smile. "I don't recommend letting yourselves get captured." [@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Ryonara][@Gordian Nought][@Lucius Cypher][@Norschtalen]