Rhiane typically rose before dawn; before sunrise was the best time to tend to crops, start the irrigation system, and of course begin preparing breakfast. Both her father and brother were separate kinds of disasters in the kitchen. Her father made edible food but was guilty of over-seasoning and over-cooking out of fear he'd either have a tasteless or raw result. Gerald simply was too easily angered and would, after a few missteps on measurements, would became so irate with himself that his focus would be ruined and his meal would suffer. Ever since her mother had passed she had taken over the responsibility because it was intolerable to try to swallow either one's accidents. To soothe their wounded egos she had feigned she wanted to cook for sentimental reasons but she was more moved by practicality. For all their faults around the stove both men were efficient, steady, and dependable workers. When she opened her eyes she was initially confused. The room was horribly unfamiliar. The princess elect had only begun to adjust to her private quarters when the necessity arose to move to Luke's. Squinting her eyes at the dim light coming in through the wall of windows she drank in the view as her mind drifted to the permanence of this spectacle. Sharing a bed through the night was not absolutely necessary for procreation and so it was possible they would end up with separate quarters. The crown prince certainly didn't enjoy sharing, so she could imagine him at least attempting to persuade Queen Camilla to limit their time together to conjugal visits, but with the rebellion growing in momentum any rumors of separate chambers could fuel the rumors their romance was fraudulent. Rhiane sighed. While she was not overly fond of her finace's personality the luxurious suite had its perks and she silently hoped to stay in it if only to avoid all the intrusive questions of her maids as to why she did not want to decorate her own space with at least a framed family photo. Her gaze drifted down to the nightstand where she spotted plastic cards and a hand-written note wishing her a 'Happy Independence Day.' Rhiane groaned and rolled her eyes as she finally crawled out of bed, fetched herself a simple blouse, slacks, and undergarments from the closet, and then wandered to the shower. The controls were as foreign to her and her prince charming, in his probable race out the door to get away from her as soon as possible, had failed to leave instructions on the operation of any of his appliances. After fiddling for a few minutes she successfully adjusted the water streams to an appropriate height and desirable temperature. If she had inadvertently changed one of his settings she had no remorse- he could blame himself for failing to anticipate her difficulties. As she bathed, rinsing, shampooing, and conditioning her hair in solitude and silence, she appreciated the lack of attendants. Moving had the unexpected benefit of letting her manage herself. If she had to speculate it was because her calendar was clear. Without any engagements Rhiane had to be prepared for she had the liberty of selecting her own attire, dallying as long as she wanted in the bathroom, and wandering around free of a beautician's scrutiny. This freedom would be short-lived. Tomorrow marked the beginning of a tour around the kingdom and a need to be presentable nearly all hours of the day. Today she could be a shut-in but tomorrow she'd be a face for the people among the nobility. Moments after she had dressed and wandered to the kitchen sink for a glass of water she heard a soft rap at the door. "Miss Black?" called a voice that was unmistakably masculine. "May I come in? I have been assigned your personal bodyguard as of today. I would like to formally introduce myself." "Come in," she called out as she abandoned her need for refreshment and turned around. No sooner had she spun on her feet than she saw Dark Horse 3, her stand-in for the surly Prince Luke at the engagement ball, walk into the room with a stiff gait. At the time she had heard he had been selected because he was the most aesthetically pleasing choice for an escort. That the same individual was now apparently her bodyguard made a bemused smile creep up on her face. "Ah, we've already met, haven't we? They said your call sign was Dark Horse 3." "Correct, Miss Black. My name is Tobias Lavanchy and I will be accompanying you today in any personal outings you may have." He was tall, with chiseled features, a slightly stern inscrutable expression, and a crisp tailored suit that she was certain was a uniform for the palace guard. Though she was engaged she could not help but wonder if what was beneath the immaculate linen was someone deserving of all the sighs and forlorn gazes of the castle's female staff. "If we're going to be spending that much time together please call me Rhiane and I'll call you Tobias," she suggested warmly. "I thought they would appoint a female guard. I don't suppose you know why you have been specifically chosen, do you?" she continued curiously. "I was told it is on account of my relation to the royal family. I am Prince Luke's second cousin. His father was the first cousin of my father," Tobias explained stiffly. As he stood there rigidly Rhiane found she had to suppress a laugh. No one was so sincerely respectfully formal in her presence; it was both flattering and comical considering she was the daughter of two farmers that had nearly lost their land at least a dozen times. "Do you have a personal communication device and the contact information for Prince Luke?" she inquired. "Yes," Tobias replied in monotone with slight hesitation. "Excellent! Since I haven't chosen one for myself yet, please let his royal highness know if he needs to pass along a message to me to do so through you. I'm sure that's not his preference but I also don't expect he will actually need to reach me either. Since I've been prescribed rest for the day you've just become my movie companion," she prattled off. "Yes, Miss... Rhiane," the stoic bodyguard responded. It felt a bit like poking the tiger to send Luke a message that he was doing things with the peasant that might constitute a date in another circumstance. He had his doubts that his relative was capable of any honest attachment to the complicated brunette but he was also renowned for being exceeding possessive. This was an opportunity. If he was careful he could bend the ear of the princess elect, forming a bond that superseded even the heir to the throne's, and gloat upon something that he did not believe Luke had actually won over as the tabloids alleged. [i]Your Highness, Miss Black has requested I inform you that I have been assigned as her personal bodyguard beginning immediately. As Miss Black has not selected a personal communication device, and has no timeline to provide as to when she may do so, she has requested all messages you have for her be sent to me from today onward. Miss Black has informed me that we will be watching movies together this morning so you have my reassurances any urgent messages you may send will be given to her the moment they are received. Your Servant, Tobias Lavanchy[/i]