[u][b]Thessir[/b][/u] [i]How utterly predictable.[/i] Thessir pretty much saw this one coming a mile away. A lightning mage charging him with electricity? No way!?... Yeah, as if that'd catch him off guard. The electrical current running through his plain arms hurt, true. The smell of cooked flesh wafted through the air, not that he could smell it in this form. He hadn't seen the damage dealt to them yet but he didn't really need to. His arms would be useless for anything requiring any degree of precision from then on out. Luckily for Thessir when electricity runs through flesh it causes all the muscles to seize up, effectively immobilizing all effected parts. Since his hands were gripped onto his daggers the muscles in his fingers contracted creating an even tighter grip on his weapons. As for his dark mass he was barely effected by Kazudain's self-centered surge. Sure, as a potent resistor the electricity that failed to travel through his flesh created a fair degree of heat but unlike the last bolt his body had a far greater amount of surface area to displace the heat across. By the end of it his general dark mass was about the temperature of beach sand on a hot summer's day. Even then Thessir himself felt no discomfort as the darkness that was infused with his flesh decreased the potency of his flesh's physical properties by the amount of flesh the darkness was effectively replacing. As such not only was his flesh less conductive but he felt less pain too. He also felt less of his other sensations like the feeling of touch or the fact he couldn't smell almost anything while his head was infused. He's well aware of these limitations as he's been balancing the amount of darkness he's replaced his body with to find that sweet spot between malleable darkness and living flesh to reap the benefits of both. Alas, he's had to settle with this for his latest incarnation of this particular spell. The light he had generated had bothered what little of his dark mass it reached to a mild extent. Lightning magic was no sunlight but the light it cast still burned like any light did. It was a bright but brief flash and only a small portion of it was present beneath his cloak. Even still Thessir was wearing his coat which blocked what little light flashed from below for most of his body. Despite how little or how brief it might of been the light that touched him still did more damage than the actual electricity had, at least to the dark mass. The temperature Kazudain would need to heat his shadow infused flesh to in order to disrupt the physical state would need to be so hot it'd likely inflict third degree burns across every inch of Kazudain's the fluid mass was touching regardless of what clothing stood between him and it. As it was he was nowhere near that temperature. _ What he did next surprised him, not because he was performing a burst step despite the poison that was supposedly in his system but because of the fact that he decided to try and move despite the fact he was holding onto his legs. As Kazudain rushed across the stage for whatever purpose he couldn't fathom Thessir contracted the tendrils of his body that were wrapped around his legs, attempting to cinch them together so he could trip him mid dash. As for his arms they did not fall off for a number of factors. Firstly their grip was still fixed to the daggers which unless he was mistaken were still stuck into the man's torso. Secondly the arms were below his cloak. He could escape his arms no better than he could escape his own cloth. Thirdly just because he electrified his arms did not mean the darkness which held them had at any point let them go. At this point even if the arms were paralyzed he could make almost as much use of them as he did before since they clung to the daggers not out of a desire to but rather because they simply could not. The electricity had burned the nerves in his arms to the point he could barely tell if he was holding the blades or not. Given how the muscles were forced to contract he simply hadn't reversed the effect the electricity had on them yet since he couldn't, at least not yet. While trying to trip him he pulled on the arms with the daggers that were still stuck into Kazudain's body with a crisscross rend. His goal with this motion was to carve his foe's flesh open in a curved X pattern so that he might watch the lightning magus's guts spill from his torn stomach. He had smaller tendrils that were set aside pull spare knives so that he could capitalize on the opening of the wound he intended to create. While Kazudain had done little more than cook the flesh in his arms Thessir was largely unbothered by this current bout's results thus far. Having experienced the sensations of having his own flesh, blood and bone burned away by the sun's light the pain his arms experienced ranked quite well below such a feeling. If the man wanted to continue electrocuting himself to try and hurt him in vain he was welcome to. On the other hand despite these events transpiring within the meager frame of four seconds total he had already spent far longer than he cared to spend this close to the man's genitalia. The sooner he could end this battle the better.