[hr] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Y5dBzhA.png[/img] [b]Multiplayer Event 2[/b] [sup][i]THE RAFT[/i][/sup] [sup][sup][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHFdIs6-syw]Music[/url][/sup][/sup] [/center] [hr] [hr] [color=#fff200]"You'll be back in a Flash, right?"[/color] [color=#cfe2f3]“[sub][sub][sub][sub][sub]You just[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub] [sub][sub][sub][sub]don’t get it[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub] [sub][sub][sub]Flash.[/sub][/sub][/sub] [sub][sub][sub][sub]this is[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub] [sub][sub][sub][sub][sub]my city…[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]”[/color] [color=#b45f06]“Not God. [b][u]GRODD![/u][/b]”[/color] [color=#ff9900]“Wally!”[/color] [color=#fff200]“That’s not the real Barry Allen…”[/color] [i][color=#0e0e0e]”.esaelP .hsalF em pleH”[/color][/i] [color=#ff9900]“I love you.”[/color] [i][color=#0b5394]“[sup][sup][sup]Keep up[/sup][/sup][/sup], [sub][sub][sub]Flash[/sub][/sub][/sub].”[/color][/i] [color=#ffe599]“You alright kid?” [/color]Iris felt a hand take a hold of her wrist, pulling her up and out of the fog, the images that crowded her mind. Foreign faces, places that she had never been. Fear, joy, happiness. It was as if she saw her entire life laid out before her, and after her. There was everything and yet there was nothing. Sitting up, confusion flowed from her as she found herself sitting in the middle of an empty room. The walls bare, and colourless. The floor cool to the touch, smooth and without texture. Looking up she couldn’t even see the ceiling. IRis wasn’t entirely sure that one existed it was so far away. Iris groaned as she shook her head, trying to get the images out of her head. Something big was coming, and she wasn’t sure if she was ready to face it. Doubt washed through her. [color=#ffe599]“You really need to get that Eobard Thawne out of your head.” [/color]It took her a moment to recognise him. Images flashed through Iris’ mind, fighting alongside a man in a metal helmet. Looking after his grandchildren, asking him for a favour. Watching him on his deathbed. [color=#ff9900]“Jay?”[/color] The man chuckled and laughed slightly. “[color=#ffe599]Yeah, I guess you might say that.” [/color] He sat himself down, and indicated to another seat sitting opposite him. Pushing herself up she walked over to the seat and then sat down across from him. [color=#ffe599]“You know, you’re kind of needed out there?” [/color] Iris could hear the faint sound of battle. The screaming, the shouting. The chaos. This wasn’t the life that was meant for her, was it? She was a reporter, she wasn’t a superhero. [color=#ff9900]“I’m not needed out there. Barry is.” [/color]The memory faded with every passing minute, the life they had lived once upon a time. Where he had been struck by lightning, fighting alongside the heroes such as those that she now worked with. She had seen the life that she had lived, as the reporter and eventual wife alongside a true hero. A life that had been stolen from them both, a hero that had been stolen from the world. Jay stood up and spoke with a sharpness that caused her to recoil. [color=#ffe599]“Would you quit feeling sorry for yourself?” [/color]Lightning flashed all around as he did. The room turned back to it’s calm state. [color=#ffe599]“Iris West, fastest woman alive. Who seems to be under the impression that she doesn’t deserve anything that comes her way. Just because some maniac told her so.”[/color] [color=#ff9900]“Thawne was from the future. Where Barry was the Flash. I can’t just ignore what he said, that Barry was destined for the lightning. He was the Flash. One of the greatest heroes that ever lived, a world where we were together. We were happy, and now. It’s all gone.”[/color] Jay placed a hand on her shoulder. [color=#ffe599]“Lightning flashes, sparks shower; in one blink of an eye, you have missed seeing." [/color]He sat himself back down. Iris cradled her head in her own hands. [color=#ff9900]“I just don’t know Jay, sometimes I feel like I can barely keep up with everything that needs done. Other times I feel so detached from the rest of the world, it goes so slow in comparison.” [/color]The entire room shook, the sound of brick and mortar cracking could be heard. [color=#ff9900]“What’s going on?” [/color]She winced as she felt pain in her stomach. Looking down she saw nothing that could have caused it, when she looked down she saw blood seeping through the white shirt she appeared to be wearing. Raising it with a look of concern she was shocked to find no evident damage below it. She looked up at Jay, since he seemed to be the one with answers. [color=#ffe599]“The fight is still going on out there. Damage is bound to occur.”[/color] [color=#ff9900]“Out where?” [/color]Iris stood up, looking all around for some form of exit, some way out of this room that the Surfer had somehow trapped her in. How he had also got Jay here she had no idea, but surely the former Flash could be of some assistance. Jay shook his head and chuckled slightly as she looked around. [color=#ffe599]“Out of-”[/color] Jay placed a finger on Iris’ forehead. [color=#ffe599]“-there.” [/color]That made a lot more sense, the detached way in which Jay was acting. The flashes of images, the sounds and the memories all interlaced into one. The Surfer had probed her mind, she had felt that much. This was some form of after effect as she lay out cold. [color=#ffe599]“You’re almost right.” [/color]Iris looked up, confused as Jay spoke again. [color=#ffe599]“I’m in your head remember, I know what you’re thinking. When the Surfer attacked you physically, you reacted physically. You countered, or you ran away, or you fought. When he attacked you mentally, you didn’t have any safeguards in place. You couldn’t fight, nor could you counter. So your mind ran away.”[/color] [color=#ff9900]“So where did it run too?” [/color] Jay raised up both his arms. [color=#ffe599]“Here.”[/color] [color=#ff9900]“Where is [i]here?[/i]”[/color] He shrugged his shoulders, causing her to roll her eyes. [color=#ffe599]“It’s not really anywhere, but at the same time it’s kind of everywhere. It’s really confusing to explain, and we really don’t have time to explain it all to you. The important thing, is that you need to recognise who you really are.”[/color] Iris stood up, groaned and threw her hands up into the air. [color=#ff9900]“I don’t have time for this, I need to find a way to wake up.”[/color] Jay sat unmoved. Eyeing her before speaking, he seemed to weigh his words very carefully as he did so. Each syllable resonated throughout her entire body, as if it shook her to her very core. [color=#ffe599]"You cannot tell the depth of the river, until you see the bottom." [/color] He stood up and walked towards her.[color=#ffe599] "One cannot travel on the great path, if one does not feel that he or she is worthy" [/color]He raised a fist, and before Iris could protest he struck her directly in the middle of the face. Everything went black.