[center][h2][b][i]EPISODE 6: A CHOICE MATTER [/i][/b][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://preview.ibb.co/mpBnSU/61_FE4392_6031_4985_842_C_4_E39_E267321_A.jpg[/img][/center] [center]__________________________________________________________________________[/center] [i]Alice.[/i] He could not shake her from his mind, nor his dark heart. Not that he wanted to at all. Liam Enduro was in no denial that he was in truth infatuated with young Alice Lynch, that raven haired beauty whom he had turned, who his blood flowed through. How he longed for her, to hold her, to stroke her hair and feel her smooth skin against his own. Even now his thoughts were of only her, as he stood alone on one of his favorite rooftops overlooking the city of New York. “Hmph.” He grunted to himself as he looked out over the city, taking in the beautiful site that was New York City after sundown. He had done this hundreds of times through the decades, and still the charm of such did not fade. His handsome, pale face was locked in a grim expression. His arms were crossed tensely across his chest, his knees were locked in an uncomfortable position. He wore a tan-colored Parisian coat over a black v-neck shirt, and gray slacks adorned his legs, brushing against the black loafers on his feet. He would have looked quite charming in a classy bar or lounge, or even a business interview. [i]Oh, Alice Lynch,[/i] He thought. [i]You cannot evade nor resist me forever. I will have you one way or another. And once I have you... [/i] Liam snorted and shook his head to himself, smiling grimly. “How corrupting and intoxicating they are, love and lust. Quite amazing.” [center] [u][url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=33o_z7vD1W0]THEME SONG[/url][/u][/center]