[color=00aeef]*Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzzzzzt*[/color] [color=ed1c24]"GOOOOOOOOD MORNING OUTER RING SMUGGLERS AND PMCs! Hosting this new radio channel will obviously be me Azarel"[/color] I say as I puff some air out of my mouth as I start feeling more comfortable doing radio for the outer ring. [color=ed1c24]"Today we will be talking about how there is a new group of high-level pirates... well at least according to the chatter I have picked up these last days..."[/color] I turn off the mic for 10 seconds to take a bite out of the meat sandwich that I made before starting up the radio and I turn on my military chatter radio [color=007236](OOC: a radio that can pick up chatter from military and police patrols that says the keyword "Help", "Pirate" or "Criminal")[/color] [color=ed1c24]"...I hope they are going to spice things up around the hub planets, And maybe even give me the scoops of what is going on behind the scenes in there"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Well let us start the day with some..."[/color] You can hear me scramble around in something. [color=ed1c24]"... Smooth Jazz, well... I mean, its better than nothing right? Well anyway, I will start the open radio now so you who are listening can talk to each other and tell me I have bad music in this dump. Welp, I am Azarel and I will see YOU in 1 hour[/color] You hear a glitching sound and suddenly Azarels voice comes back and says [color=39b54a]zvokco psxn wo, s xoon rovz[/color] after that the message replays 10 times and then just as suddenly it started it stops.