[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UmLPAXf.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180707/1d50f363a36c7e98c93b5def3b819485.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/ed5c2595ad5bff6f81706cd8e6798c70/tumblr_oqinqn37Wl1r3ssslo1_500.gif[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_i1xk07o4g][color=35996B] Why would you speak to me that way Especially when I always said that I Haven't got the words for you All your diction dripping with disdain[/color][/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/sI5XG7i.png[/img] [/center][hr][hr] The weekend had been a stressful one for Archer, telling Marisol about what he had seen at the party had felt like a good plan when he entered her room that saturday morning. Her reaction made him regret it almost instantly. Firstly she called him a liar and accused him of making everything up, then she yelled at him for not telling her sooner, and finally ending up in his lap crying her eyes out. What Archer found most confusing about the whole situation was that at the center of all this was Sonny. How did he have so much power over Marisol that he could turn his best friend the strongest person he had ever known in to this… mess? The young man had spent the entire weekend at the Castillo residence trying to calm his little friend down and convincing her not to do anything stupid. There had been many stupid ideas circulating that room. There was a point where she just laid on top of her bed staring into the abyss. It was a good thing that he had his books with him so he at least had something to do as she wallowed in despair. Her brothers took turns popping their heads in to check on them, to which Archer gave them a thumbs up to let them know that the situation was under control. When he finally left on sunday evening he filled her older brother in on the situation, making it very clear that he should tread lightly and anything Marco had heard did not come from him. When monday morning rolled around he was mildly surprised when he didn’t see Mari waiting for him at the back of their homeroom. He stuck it out until lunch before he had had enough. Instead of heading for the courtyard to eat lunch with the other students he got into his car and sped down the road towards the Castillo house once again. After being let in by Mrs. Castillo, Archer bound up the stairs towards Marisol’s room. When he opened the door he was hit by a wall of stuffy air, she hadn’t left the room since he had been there. [color=35996B]“Are you kidding me?”[/color] He asked as he stepped in to the young woman’s room, looking around with disgust. [color=35996B]“This has gotten out of hand dude!”[/color] he exclaimed as he plopped down at the edge of her bed. [color=35996B]“It’s only the second week of school! Your gpa is screaming Mari!”[/color] [color=brown]“Can’t I just skip today? I’ve already skipped half a day! I’d be doing everyone a favor if I don’t show up!”[/color] the green eyed girl whined from inside her DIY blanket overalls. Archer rolled his eyes, already annoyed [color=35996B]“Oh for f-”[/color] he began [color=35996B] “What does that even mean? Doing who a favor? By not coming to school today you showed everyone that they got to you… essentially letting them win! So congratulations you turned into the girl we love to make fun of!”[/color] The curly haired boy clapped in fake enthusiasm as he stood up. He let out a giant sigh and grabbed the edge of her comforter and tugged it of her. [color=35996B]“Come on! You have about 45 minutes to get ready and come with me to AP Calculus!”[/color] he said as he threw the comforter to the otherside of the room and walked out.