[center][quote=@Lord Wraith] [b][color=#daa520]“I would have words.”[/color][/b][/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/rj1hfqD.png[/img][/center] [b][color=#ffffff]The Raft, New York[/color][/b] [color=#ffffff]Silver blood came sprouting from the Surfer’s mouth. The force of the Bifrost Bridge being dropped on him had almost achieved what Johnny Storm’s supernova could not. The herald was barely standing. Yet the challenge Thor posed seemed to invigorate him. He plumbed the depths of his power reserves and steeled himself for the battle ahead. Once Thor had been brought to heel, the heroes would [i]all [/i]fall. He was their greatest hope – and if it took every ounce of power cosmic that the Surfer had, he was determined to destroy him for the glory of Darkseid.[/color] [b][color=#999999]“NO MORE WORDS, ASGARDIAN.”[/color][/b] [color=#ffffff]Out of the corner of the Surfer’s eye he saw the Blue Beetle catch the still-falling Human Torch. The other heroes gathered around him to see whether he was still drawing breathe. The Surfer considered firing on them one last time, but the God of Thunder posed a more pressing and immediate threat. Let them have their moment. Now was the time for battle.[/color] [color=#ffffff]Though his silver coating had slipped from his hands and had begun to drip clean from his torso, the power that emanated from his balled fists seemed no weaker than before. It surged with a power so strong that the very foundations of The Raft seemed to weaken with every pulse. It was almost as if the power cosmic was sustaining the herald, extending what strength his broken body had just long enough to see Darkseid’s will done. The cold, lifeless eyes of the Silver Surfer stared at Thor without a hint of intimidation. The herald would as readily take Thor's life as he would lay down his own for Darkseid.[/color] [b][color=#999999]“THIS WORLD WILL LEARN THE FOLLY OF WORSHIPING FALSE IDOLS. WITH YOUR BLOOD, DARKSEID WILL REIGN SUPREME.”[/color][/b] [color=#ffffff]The Silver Surfer darted towards Thor and sent his hands wrapping around the Asgardian’s neck. The electricity tore at his silver skin but seemed to cause him no harm. He squeezed as tightly as he could, pumping the power cosmic directly into the Asgardian’s body with a determined scowl. Thor let out an angry shout and broke the Surfer’s grip. For the first time, shock crossed the herald’s face.[/color] [color=#ffffff]He was weaker than he’d imagined. A punch sped towards his head that he managed to dodge at the last moment and he saw the intensity in auburn-haired god’s eyes as another was launched in his direction. This time the Surfer managed to parry it. He waved a power-throbbing hand in the direction of The Raft’s tallest tower and sent a blast of energy towards it. It exploded on impact and sent a good portion of the prison tumbling into the sea. The other heroes scattered, alive to the threat to the prisoners and staff contained inside, and assured that his battle with the Asgardian would be uninterrupted, the Surfer sent a hale of cosmic energy blasting towards him.[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Se6I0FN.jpg?1[/img][/center] [b][color=#999999]“COME THEN, ASGARDIAN, THE FATE OF SEVEN BILLIONS LIVES WILL BE DECIDED BETWEEN YOU AND I ALONE THIS NIGHT.”[/color][/b]