[i]'I was right. There is something off here'[/i] Keeping his eyes down he listens quietly, practically feeling the offense the man had taken about what he said about travel over water. [i]'He's lived by that lake, for a long time at least, and has traveled the river. However that river, while long, doesn't exactly have as much to offer as he seems to think'[/i] Biting his lip Viltez chides himself yet again. [i]'That's a very close minded way of thinking of things. If he really loves the river and lake as much as it seems, then it's rude to judge him for that. Even if I think he's wrong'[/i] His eyes dart back up when Aryx shifts the focus from travel, to Viltez himself. His heart beat quickens slightly even as he tells himself that everything is alright. This man can't have guessed in one day what he's successfully hidden from an entire village for years. He swallows hard, his body tensing. [i]'It's obvious, he can tell something. Maybe the villagers just got use to me. Am I really that obviously different from them?'[/i] His tail twitches again and his heart jumps, He tries desperately to will it to stay still and stands up slowly. Moving back he steps to the side of the fireplace, his eyes downcast. The small niche is big enough, and dark enough, for him to feel a little safer. He takes a steadying breath and looks to his guest. [i]'I don't want to lie. . . Even if it is to a stranger. It's clear he knows something, but how? What should I do? Will he tell them, will I be driven out. Will I have to be alone?'[/i] Letting out a faint whine he stamps down on his panic and at last manages to pull out a reply for the man. “One has no chance to mind what one does not know.” His eyes shine out of the darkness, catching the firelight reflecting around the room.